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RE: Mental Health - "I am stronger now...because I talked about it"

in #busy7 years ago (edited)

What really matters is that people share and talk and open up to one another to help with their mental health issues, just like we are doing now.
Thanks for reading and supporting the cause, it's very much appreciated!
PS. The post you mention ABSOLUTLEY GRINDS MY GEARS AND MESLTS MY CHEES!! it's actually ridiculous, a mockery and worthless to this community and maybe we need to be more proactive in flagging and down-voting such crappy content!
There's nothing we can really do but to ignore it I fear.
Hey, but that's just my opinion and perhaps for a discussion another time! LOL...
Hey @gjart I certainly did spend quite a few hours pouring my heart out and openly shared my experiences...But how do we value worth? with $100 , $150 or $1.17 like this post's annoying but kind of irrelevant. @mrbloom