Dentist | Dokter Gigi

in #busy7 years ago (edited)


Sahabat steemians, saya mau berbagi cerita lucu tentang pengalaman saya hari ini.

Friends of steemians, I want to share a funny story about my experience today.

Selesai shalat Magrib di Masjid Islamic Center saya langsung bergegas menuju ke tempat praktek dokter gigi langganan perusahaan tempat saya bekerja. Sampai disana dokter langganan sedang tidak berada ditempat, beliau sedang cuti keluar kota demikian info perawat yang jaga didepan namun ada dokter pengganti katanya.

After the Maghrib prayer at the Islamic Center Mosque of Lhokseumawe City I immediately rushed to the dentist's office where I worked. Until there the doctor is not on the premises, he was on leave out of town so nurse information that guarded in front but there are other doctors he said.



Dokter yang paling membuat saya stress adalah dokter gigi tetapi karena gigi saya sudah waktunya diperiksa akhirnya saya tetap masuk juga walau hati saya kecut karena saya yakin pasti dokternya belum sepengalaman dokter biasa. Benar saja ternyata dokter penggantinya masih muda, habislah saya ini ..... eit tunggu dulu ..... dokternya masih muda dan cantik lho ..... 😍😍😍.


Setelah berdialog kecil menanyakan nama dan ehem ...... statusnya saya dipersilakan duduk di kursi pemeriksaan. Dari cara kerjanya saya yakin ini pasti akan sangat sakit, saya pejamkan mata saya sambil mengintip wajah sang dokter itu, ternyata memang cantik dan diluar dugaan saya ternyata dokter itu sangat lembut, selalu bertanya kalau saya merasa sakit atau tidak. Lumanyan lama diperiksa dan serius baru kali ini saya merasa sangat nyaman diperiksa gigi.

After a dialogue asking for the name of his status I was invited to sit in the examination chair. From the way it works I'm sure it will be very painful, I close my eyes while peering at the doctor's face, it was beautiful and beyond my expectations it was very soft doctor, always ask if I feel sick or not. Seriously this time I feel very comfortable dental examination.


Sekitar sejam kemudian selesai gigi saya diperiksa, tapi saya masih ngobrol dengan beliau sambil mendengarkan penjelasan keadaan gigi saya dengan menggambarkan disecarik kertas. Pingin rasanya duduk lebih lama diruangan tersebut namun diluar sana pasien lain telah menunggu.

An hour later my teeth were examined, but I was still chatting with him while listening to my teeth explaining by describing the paper diseciled. I want to sit longer in the room but out there other patients have been waiting.


Tulisan ini saya peruntukkan untuk drg. Txxx sebagai dokter pengganti yang telah membuat saya nyaman hari ini.

This paper I dedicate to drg. Txxx as a surrogate doctor has made me comfortable today.

Thanks for steemians who have read and visited on my blog.

Salam Komunitas Steemit Indonesia
Regards Steemit Indonesia Community




After the Maghrib prayer at the Islamic Center Mosque of Lhokseumawe City I immediately rushed to the dentist's office where I worked. Until there the doctor is not on the premises, he was on leave out of town so nurse information that guarded in front but there are other doctors he said.

After the Maghrib prayer at the Islamic Center Mosque of Lhokseumawe City I immediately rushed to the dentist's office where I worked. Until there the doctor is not on the premises, he was on leave out of town so nurse information that guarded in front but there are other doctors he said.

doctor who made me the most stressful is the dentist but because my teeth are time to be checked finally I keep coming in even though my heart is wary because I'm sure the doctor must have not been a regular doctor. Sure enough it turns out the doctor is young, I'm very scared ..... but .... wait a minute ..... the doctor is young and beautiful ..... 😍😍😍.*

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An hour later my teeth were examined, but I was still chatting with him while listening to my teeth explaining by describing the paper diseciled. I want to sit longer in the room but out there other patients have been waiting.

Is this a dental clinic? Looks very clean and hygienic

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An hour later my teeth were examined, but I was still chatting with him while listening to my teeth explaining by describing the paper diseciled. I want to sit longer in the room but out there other patients have been waiting.

Selesai shalat Magrib di Masjid Islamic Center saya langsung bergegas menuju ke tempat praktek dokter gigi langganan perusahaan tempat saya bekerja. Sampai disana dokter langganan sedang tidak berada ditempat, beliau sedang cuti keluar kota demikian info perawat yang jaga didepan namun ada dokter pengganti katanya.

After the Maghrib prayer at the Islamic Center Mosque of Lhokseumawe City I immediately rushed to the dentist's office where I worked. Until there the doctor is not on the premises, he was on leave out of town so nurse information that guarded in front but there are other doctors he said.

bagus sekaliii