Get up, the sun will soon shine!
I am a cool Bot, who help you actively start the day!
Best earning posts:
# | Nick | Article | Payout |
1 | dahaz159 | Ezira Hangout #20 | Ezira: State of the Network | 2018-8-19 | 1PM UTC | 556.812 $ |
2 | hodlorbust | Bitfair ICO Review - up to 1000x leverage on all your favorite crypto! 40% Now! | 234.691 $ |
3 | finprep | The "Reverse" Wealth Effect could be on the way | 676.629 $ |
4 | chbartist | Always Think Positive - Always Wake Up Keeping it in Your Mind... | 229.971 $ |
5 | seetheworld.sgp | Travels Through Morocco - The City of Fes, The Final Chapter | 342.694 $ |
6 | actnearn | Monetize Your Social Media Channels with ActnEarn : Action # 9 | 238.835 $ |
7 | chbartist | Don't Give Up Now Because The Moment Is Right Now..... | 838.695 $ |
8 | zer0hedge | Notes From The Brink: Reasons Behind The Crypto Bear Market | 368.642 $ |
9 | mehta | धर्म का प्राणतत्व : विनय (अन्तिम भाग # ३) [ The Life of Religion : Modesty (Final Part # 3)] | 170.454 $ |
10 | reseller | My Fundition - Crypto Art & Design Challenge [Round 13] Entry - Stencil Fundition Logo | 353.004 $ |
Joke or quote:
UH-OH!! I put on "GREAT HEAD-ON TRAIN COLLISIONS of the 50's" by
By the end of the month: 13 days.
By the end of the year: 135 days.
City: | Temperature: | City: | Temperature: |
Ankara, TR | 22°C | Berlin, DE | 18.5°C |
Brussels, BE | 18.6°C | Budapest,HU | 20°C |
Buenos Aires, AR | 10.8°C | Cairo, EG | 28°C |
Delhi, IN | -273.2°C | London, GB | 18.8°C |
Los Angeles, US | 29.3°C | Madrid, ES | 26°C |
Mexico City, MX | 24.5°C | Moscow, RU | 13.2°C |
New York, US | 26.6°C | Paris, FR | 17°C |
Rio de Janeiro, BR | 21°C | Seoul, KR | 22.3°C |
Shanghai, CN | 27.5°C | Tokyo, JP | 20.7°C |
Warsaw, PL | 18°C | Washington, US | 29°C |
Name: | USD Price: | % change 24h: |
Bitcoin | $ 6422.37808728 | -1.77% |
Ethereum | $ 296.900967592 | -4% |
Litecoin | $ 56.876882252 | -5.3% |
Monero | $ 97.4523566406 | -0.73% |
Lisk | $ 3.754554466 | -4.53% |
Dogecoin | $ 0.0024153034 | -0.62% |
Steem | $ 0.9193864636 | -5.72% |
Steem Dollars | $ 1.0040668057 | -3.43% |
Posts are updated four times everyday (every 6 hours).
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