The majority of people will take the path of least resistance in terms of life so if they come up against a lot of resistance for the method they are using they will most likely change their behavior. I totally agree with your first statement.
Reward behavior you want to see repeated.
Ignore or Punish behavior you want to stem or remove.
However the way you phrased the next part of your post worries me.
If there is a type of content you dislike.. Flag it. You will see less of that behavior.
If the content is bad or harmful to the site by all means flag it. But in my opinion it shouldn't be because you dislike it. You don't need to like it. Not everybody will like or enjoy the same type of content but that doesn't make it bad or not worth it's share of the reward pool. I vote for what i like and what i find valuable to the community but i have only flaggged when there was worthless content being pushed onto the trending page and damaging the steemit reputation.
Anything which I don't like doesn't bother me. We all have different view and opinions so i just let it pass me by. I want to see a better community here and people like waphilip are the ones who we need to see more of. I did go to his post from your last one to see what he was all about and someday I hope to make dolphin status myself. Both through investment and natural growth. I would love to see more of the larger accounts being active around here as they should be leading by example for the people who hope to emulate them at some point.
Yeah, you are right, I totally should have worded that better. I agree with you. I should have said, content that you think is harmful.
However, it is okay if some things get downvoted for bad reasons, things also get upvoted for bad reasons, it is just the wisdom of the crowd.
Look, no system is perfect and there will always be differences of opinion when personal views and money are involved. We can only hope that as we move forward that the community will create it's own best practices and that leaders like yourself will push things in a better direction.
We aren't going to get much help from the top levels so it's up to us as the people involved to make the difference.
I've been doing just that for 2.5 years and so have a lot of others. It isn't enough, and we grow weary.
So what you really need are recruits. People who will buy into your vision and are willing to work towards a common goal. If every one of those people thay were on your side had ten more fighting with them it would make things a lot easier.
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