Who cares about blockchain and crypto! Watch me get shot for saying that.
The bigger picture here is the fact we do and will eventually have the entertainment industry (and people are probably sick of hearing @nonameslefttouse say "entertainment industry") wrapped around our finger.
If only people could see the potential! (and there's the second bullet)
Oh I am almost with you. 2.5 billion social media users a DAY. A DAY. And we are trying to deliver to the crypto kids who are mostly already married to a project.
That is part of the reason I have so little hope. As bitcoin rises and gets attention a lot of people just regular people are going to be looking for a way to get in, a place to learn, in addition as you mention, those who have been recently deplatformed..
Here we are yanking our own chain in the form of playing with math. It's killing me. :)
Billions of people also read, listen to music, watch videos. Content producers always asking for donations now. Put the puzzle pieces together. Who cares about math! "Hi there, you spend thousands on entertainment, yearly. Even Youtube now wants you to subscribe. Many independent content producers ask you for your donations. What if I told you you'd never have to throw your money away again?" STEEM has the potential to literally undercut the ENTIRE entertainment industry. From the one who can gather attention from posting pics of lunch, all the way up to the biggest pop star in the music industry, all a consumer has to do with their money is invest now. They get a return. They can cancel at any time. The money is never spent, and the producers can still make bank. Will I say HOW? No! That's a new post or two in itself.
Delegate 1 million steempower to 10 of those entertainers that have lots of followers...
Yeah... I am serious...
That would be a game changer...
Delegate? All that is is recycling the current situation. Delegation is one of the worst things to happen to this place. You want NEW money coming in, not handouts.
crypto never dies
I came nowhere close to saying it will die.
How much steem is our reward-pool? After HF21? Divide that number by our active users. :)
Ohh and and don't forget to multiply that number with a steem price around 0.35 cents.
Are you serious, we ARE the entertainment industry.
Do you understand the decimal system?
Ten fingers on two hands?
Now separate each finger at the joint. Use a knife. If you don't respond for awhile, I'll understand.