Anytime you are earning money through a legally accepted means, be proud of it. Do not allow anyone to shame you for what you do.
Some people allow lack and want to overtake them because they are afraid of what people will say about their chosen means of income. They see opportunities to make extra cash, but the fear of what other people will think or say, keep them away.
Pride is the only reason why you care so much about other people's opinion of you. You want them to see you as someone who does not need that extra cash. But I have this for you;
pride never exalt a man, only humility does.
Humble yourself. Free yourself from other people's opinion or expectations from you. Do whatever is right to increase your income. If you keep caring so much about what they think or say, then you will find yourself doing a lot of illegal secret deals just to keep up with such a lifestyle.
Like I always said, life is sweet and beautiful, but only when you learn some certain secrets. Amongst these secrets is the ability to care less about what the world expects from you. Always be yourself. Yes, be your original copy without masquerading as who you are not.
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@elyaque made this beautiful badge for me.
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Thats very kind of you to try give us some useful tips
I'm glad you love it.
Yes i love it too much
Your passion can be waste of time for someone so this statement tells that what we want to do is good for ourselves no matter what others think about it. Stay blessed.@ogoowinner, Yes, we should not run from our true reality and we should not showcase our fake side just because others will hold some perceptions. Our life is unique and we should follow our Intuition instead of other's version of life.
Posted using Partiko Android
Oh! I love this so much. Truly our passion can be a waste of time for another person.
@chireerocks, I really appreciate your response here.
Thank you so much and have a great time ahead.
Sure I will, and you too.
Thank you.
Surely, it’s doesn’t matter how little it’s, what matters is that you’re proudly doing it well.
@ogoowinner I’m being motivated!
Posted using Partiko iOS
Great post. I guess what also influence people to be like stay away from some legal source of income is the social media influence. And peer pressure. I always believe hustling as far as it is legal no matter how small the income may be still have pride for me that involving in illegal works which may although have higher income. Once again, BE PROUD OF YOUR LEGAL MEANS OF INCOME