Everyday we make choices, everyday we see what we hate and try to stay away. We see the things we like and we follow it and other times, we just make a random choice because our heart isn't even stable enough to pick with a strong reason.
Making decisions on our own, making choices independently help us to live our dreams, it makes us feel free. It allows us to take full responsibility for our problems but then, what about when you have it planned out and it failed nonetheless. That is not the worst, the worst is when you really don't know what you have done differently to avert this issues.
My Advice:
Stand up to your choices. Make them buy stand your ground when your morality os. Being questioned. Get social, meet people and build yourself a network. Of friends.
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Image Source: https://success.com
@elyaque made this beautiful for me
You're absolutely right. My mom usually say "you won't enjoy life if you listen to what other people say"
its only the choices that define the path too :)