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RE: An Open Letter To @elipowell

in #busy6 years ago

LOL I would tell you to try harder but I don't think that is humanly possible at this point. If only you could converse in math, then you might have a chance at making some sense for once! :D

Lots of people can lose money and moving goal posts doesn't make you right. You said they were losing money and laughing at "idiots like me". Surely it is one or the other as it is kinda hard to laugh and lose money simultaneously but I digress.

I don't know who it works in your country but generally in order to join someone they would have to accept you. You're not fooling anyone by saying you wouldn't join people who don't know or care about you in the slightest but nice virtue signal, hoho! I'm sure you will get some enthusiastic reach-arounds for that one!

Anyone who offends or otherwise makes "your kind" upset, I will gladly consider an ally as there are already too many flaggot bootlickers running around this and other platforms to shake a stick at.