Have you considered focusing your energy on making it feel new again? Was your allegiance to Steemit or Steem? I already know, but curious if you do.
Steem is ready for the creative energy of those with vision. You hold your abilities in high esteem. Why not apply them towards building something that feels new and exciting on Steem?
Are you drunk? lol
I stopped wanting to be in someone else's gang, decades ago.
...it's a flawed system. You know that. (or maybe you don't).
When proof of stake dictates policy, you have an oligarchical system, not a meritocracy.
The two don't gel long term.
It's predatory in its nature. It can be no other way. This is basic human psychology of acquiring resources, and those with stake.
(wearing the mask of 'community').
I'm not here to 'make it feel new again'.
I never was.
'Community' is a facade in this structure - just to sell to the naive.
(I did include myself in that group, btw).
I don't hold my abilities in writing in high esteem - far from it.
I DO have confidence in my abilities to make more success writing off steem, than on.
I don't mind failing, but I do mind not trying.
No. I was blessed years ago to no longer need that crutch.
That doesn't feel right, due to the fact that you have been arguing for quite some time now over the unfairness of Steemit. Your passion sasy you want something from this or you would have just logged out some time back and kicked the dust of this place from your feet.
I have watched you for some time argue with an energy that astounds me. While I have not agreed with some of your positions, and believe your passion at time blinds you I appreciate the care you take to put a humorous spin most of the time.
I know we see Steem differently. The Steem I see is only controlled by Steemit because of a breakdown between programmers, business people and already existing businesses that could benefit. If (I know it might not be meant to be, but i believe it will) just one or two of the right size companies decided to adopt Steem into their business structure, none of the original stakeholders could override them if they decided to purchase a good little chunk sitting at the exchanges. As time goes by, the people that anger you here with the way they use their stake will lose their hold over this, including Ned.
I think you are pretty sharp overall. Why not give them the ultimate F you (the ones who anger you) and help figure out a way to bring in those who will make their power obsolete?
As far as community, it is here right now. Whatsup invited all who are in or want to be in her community when she hit post, and here we are :)