It’s not as if there’s a real debate about manmade global warming. One side has peer-reviewed science, the other has money and pseudoscience. Koch Industries has been funding denialist groups for decades.
Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree: Climate-warming trends over the past century are extremely likely due to human activities.
Denialists wrap themselves in pseudoscience, and their latest shtick is to deny warming altogether and instead claim that we’re headed for an ice age because of an upcoming “Grand Solar Minimum”, but they never seem to explain why the Little Ice Age started before the Maunder Minimum.
Why should I care what a sobbing 16 year old with no special qualifications has to say about Climate Change?
Care or don’t, your choice. But why would Greta’s youth be any kind of a disqualifier? She was invited to speak at the United Nations, with or without special qualifications. Lots of people wanted to hear what she had to say. Many senior government officials showed up to listen, some didn’t. Trump for instance went to a “religious freedom” conference instead and pretended he cared about religious freedom, fresh from kissing Saudi keister.
Climate Change is a political topic not a Earth topic.
Really??? It sure seems to me that it’s very much both of those.
I'm confused by this answer.
It’s not as if there’s a real debate about manmade global warming. One side has peer-reviewed science, the other has money and pseudoscience. Koch Industries has been funding denialist groups for decades.
Denialists wrap themselves in pseudoscience, and their latest shtick is to deny warming altogether and instead claim that we’re headed for an ice age because of an upcoming “Grand Solar Minimum”, but they never seem to explain why the Little Ice Age started before the Maunder Minimum.
Care or don’t, your choice. But why would Greta’s youth be any kind of a disqualifier? She was invited to speak at the United Nations, with or without special qualifications. Lots of people wanted to hear what she had to say. Many senior government officials showed up to listen, some didn’t. Trump for instance went to a “religious freedom” conference instead and pretended he cared about religious freedom, fresh from kissing Saudi keister.
Really??? It sure seems to me that it’s very much both of those.
There obviously is real debate. Just watch the topic anywhere.
The denialists say the same about the "warmers"
It's not just her youth, it's her lack of education or real information and basically just emotional vomit.
I think maybe we should consider relocating or renovating some of our coastal cities to handle the changes.
Morons and liars say lots of things. Doesn’t mean we should give them any credence.