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RE: How to Eat Like You Mean to be Healthy

in #busy6 years ago

Thanks for taking an interest and helping with suggestions. I will research and look at those products on Amazon.

I've just looked at the AIP diet and it wouldn't be suitable for me as I have been a lifelong vegitiarian (well, piscatiarian... I do eat fish). Meat isn't an option for me as I stopped eating it as a child. The enzymes in meat cause an allergic reaction in me now, as I discovered when I ate it by accident about 15 years ago. Fish is ok though as I started eating it again when I was a teenager.

Dairy... and particularly cheese will be a big problem for me to get rid of our of my diet. Simply because I enjoy the taste so much. I think it's important to mention that in not massively overweight. About 2 stone over my ideal weight. Nearly all of my health issues are caused by this SIBO.

Anyway, thanks again for your suggestions.

Posted using Partiko Android


Cheese is my top favorite too and now I cannot eat it. In SE Asia it is terrible. They do not know about good cheese here. Only the imported is any good and I can't afford that.

Lots of people are on aip without eating meat - it's difficult but can be done.

I wanted you to see a recent post I did and get your thoughts @raj808:

Are any of these foods things you can eat aside from the fish?