Market yourself internally and externally

in #busy7 years ago


In the current competitive business environment, every business markets their products and services to some degree. It is simply not enough to deliver the best product or service in your sector. Outstandingly successful individuals market themselves, often eagerly paying a specialist agency to help them, because they know it is the route to success and wealth.

Tiger Woods, David Beckham and Catherine Zeta Jones have become brand names in their own right. They earn dramatically more than other people who are nearly as talented as themselves

Yet very few business people consciously market themselves, even though it can dramatically accelerate your career success and earning power.

With your own company you should seek opportunities to join working parties and project teams which give you wider exposure within the company, especially to senior managers outside of your own department. Volunteer to speak at internal company training courses and conferences.

External marketing is even more important and provides many opportunities including:

  • become active in your trade association or professional body and consider volunteering for an organizing committee role

  • join an industry user group such as one organized by your IT supplier

  • write an article for your trade press by telephoning the features editor to suggest one or two relevant topics and be sure to ask what they feel will be particularly interesting to their readers

  • offer to speak at conferences by contacting the event organizer and remember that real life case study presentations are always welcomed

  • contact relevant leading headhunters and ask for their career advice.

The message to you should be quite clear, do not rely on your ability alone but do showcase your talents to the widest possible audience.

Thank you for visiting my blog. Stay blessed


Disclaimer: please note that the photo used is my original work shot using Samsung Galaxy S6 edge, therefore all the copyright rigmarole applies.


Yeah..we must make it a point to get to know people as well as people getting to know us which will expose us to a whole lot of opportunities.