Busy, busy, true. Every day I'm very serious. There's just a busy life I do. Including I was busy taking care of steemit. But the world of steemit is quiet. I did follow a lot of friends, but only a few friends who responded. I do a lot of upvote, but very little upvote replies. Finally I resigned. But I do not want to give up. I do not want to despair I'll keep fighting-fighting keep on fighting. I'm busy, I'm busy, busy, busy struggling!
Sibuk, sibuk, sibuk sekali. Setiap hari aku sibuk sekali. Ada saja kesibukan yang kulakukan. Termasuk aku sibuk mengurusi steemit. Tapi dunia steemit begitu sepi. Aku melakukan follow banyak kawan, tapi hanya sedikit kawan yang membalasnya. Aku melakukan banyak upvote, tapi sedikit sekali upvote balasan. Akhirnya aku pasrah. Tapi aku tak mau menyerah. Aku tidak mau putus asa. Aku akan tetap berjuang-berjuang terus berjuang. Aku sibuk, aku sibuk, sibuk, sibuk berjuang!
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