She takes her microphone
And cooks a meal
Syrup speakers drip
On pale tongues
Tip the ladder
We all hear
No one is high or low
She takes her microphone
And strikes a deal
Cone coins slip
Into pale hands
Tip the class
To shatter glass
Ceilings won’t limit your high
She takes her microphone
And starts to peel
Excess from our base
So we are flush
Tip the cup
We all need
To spill
I write and think
What message will be best?
To you, the distant friend
When every letter is sent
Every word is sealed
Every paragraph stamped
Intelligence delivers
Our minds to one sight
I pause to follow what I think
You may need to hear
With your eyes, knowing
With your mind, clarity
Image source:
Excellent to describe this marvellous post wow :)
thats the most likeable part of the poem
She takes her microphone
And strikes a deal
Cone coins slip
Into pale hands
Tip the class
To shatter glass
Ceilings won’t limit your high
I write and think
What message will be best?
I love you , i love
really a beautifull poem and i like it because its your ownwell i really like your work and i am impress from your peom work that how you make poems with simple words and hope i also will try to write poems like you @rubenalexander
Interesting @rubenalexander
good post likee it.
i said u a professionalist because u also giving sources of the images as
Image source:
i like it and appreciate your work
poetry is a way to define your feelings and thoughts in a very short way and without directly pointing and without hurting or saying directly anything to other its a music of art
really appreciate your work keeep it up.
Your publications are at the level of success
beautiful writing
perfect and a wonderfull poem on microphone your are genious man that you connect this microphones with a pretty girl and make it more pretty poem
its an excellent poem.
Yeah buddy pretty great and those are indeed touching words !
fanatstic, the felling, everything, it comes from deep within!
Simply beautiful