I left this
Tucked in a box
For the day I would remember
On a time trail
Sand silk path
That sinks as I walk over
When I approach the day
That time he took away
My virginity
What was mine
Was stolen
And it leaves
A whole in
A place I can never see
No one
Should extol him
Or diminish
My state
From a precipice to a pea
I sprained my ankle and had to do something I rarely do at a medical clinic... I listened to the news. It is still mania inducing, but even more appauling is hearing the US president say anything about a women who is testifying about being raped. This process in itself is something men will never understand. But I am ashamed to hear a president is tweeting about this matter.
kiraguImage source: https://unsplash.com/@
That is amazing!!............
Wise words man
While get well soon
Very well written poem of yours great to read that out today :)