ASAM (Tamarindus indica)

in #busy7 years ago (edited)


Rasa buah asam, manis, bersifat sejuk, astringent, berkhasiat pencahar (laksant), penyejuk, pereda demam (antipiretik), antiseptik, abortivum, dan meningkatkan nafsu makan.Daun asam berkhasiat sebagai penurun panas,pereda nyeri (analgesik), dan antiseptik.Kulit kayu astringent dan tonik.. Kandungan polisakaridanya berkhasiat sebagai imunomodulator dan dalam penelitian L-9-di-n-butyl malate menghambat proliferasi sel embrio sea urchin.

Terima kasih
Bagi yang ingin tau cara penyajiannya atau konsumsi, dapat anda kirimkan komentar anda di : steemet ....ryana


Taste acidic fruit, sweet, cool, astringent, nutritious laxant, conditioning, fever reliever (antipyretic), antiseptic, abortivum, and increase appetite. Acid acid efficacious as fever, painkillers (analgesic), and antiseptic. Astringent bark and tonic .the polysaccharides content is efficacious as an immunomodulator and in the L-9-di-n-butyl malate study inhibits the proliferation of urchin-embryonic cells.

thank you
For those who want to know how the presentation or consumption, you can send your comments in: steemet .... ryana


Roe ie babah teh..

Pane awak kah...? Pat tinggai keuh syara...?

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