in #busy7 years ago (edited)

If you are not associated with this place, you may not immediately understand what it is depicted in the photo.
The answer is simple-a view from the hill to the most Eastern Russian city Krasnoyarsk millionaire. That's what he looks like in the cold. In the summer a little better. This is a thick gray blanket, which can be seen instead of the usual urban landscapes-nothing more than a cloud of poisonous gases that cover the city in calm weather almost all year round. Krasnoyarsk is one of the 10 most dirty and dusty cities of our country. Every day there are recorded significant exceedances of maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) of a number of hazardous substances. Sometimes, these exceedances reach 10 to 15 times the MPC. Every day here on the Windows appears a layer of gray dust, and the air is a strong smell of burning.

The reason for the plight of the city's three most powerful coal-fired power plant that use as a fuel brown coal. Today, everyone understands that coal is the dirtiest and oldest type of fuel. When it is burned into the atmosphere in large quantities of carcinogenic substances are released-sulfur dioxide, benzapyrene, various metals. Today coal as fuel for the centralized heating of the big cities with the population more than 300 thousand people is used only in the countries of Asia and Africa. In Russia, in addition to Krasnoyarsk, there are only 3 such cities, fully heated by coal-Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude and Chita.
And Krasnoyarsk from this small list is in the most distressing, from an ecological point of view, position as besides three huge coal power centers, in its line the largest aluminum plant in the world which is making out on one million tons of aluminum is located. Its emissions are equal to 60 000 tons (!) annually. In these circumstances, the use of a dirty fuel such as coal seems, at first glance, absurd, not amenable to common sense. However, this is a sad reality that has been going on for decades. And every year the situation only worsens - the city is being built up, the load on e increases and the amount of coal burned increases, which is directly proportional to the growth of harmful emissions, and accordingly to the deterioration of the health of citizens. Already now many people are set to leave for permanent residence in other cities, and some have already done so. Because no one wants to put their lives and the lives of their loved ones in danger. And in recent years, the city burst of cancer...


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