Robot Sofia found inspiration in the world's first citizenship From that inspiration, the man named 'Taru' has made a robot named 10th class student Sayedul Mostafin. And it showed that in the Digital Innovation Fair of Lalmonirhat district. On Saturday, on the last day of the fair, there were lots of crowds in front of the stairs. Tara's creator Said al-Mustaiin, student of SS Model High School in Hatibandh, saw Taru's various activities. Robot can answer certain questions in English.This robot was one of the attractions in the fair.
Sayedul Mostafin said in the light of the first light that this robot can speak English through an Android app. What's your name What is the name of your country Can answer such questions. Sayedul says that he could do various tasks of physically challenged people and talk to them. It costs 40 thousand taka to build.
Sayedul said that he created an app called Arka Hasan with the same name for running Taru. Someone asked the smartphone via the microphone to the app. Directions are given to the star from the app. The star may move the lips. The face of the tissue was made to the face of the tissue paper. There are several motorcycles on this robot. It works according to the direction of the microcontroller.
Sayeedul Mustainin, the third son of Sharful Islam, head of chemistry department of Alimuddin Degree College, Hatibandha, wants to be a electrical and electronics engineer in future. Her mother Mohsena Islam is a housewife.
On Saturday evening, Syedul Mostafin received the first prize for making the Taru at the closing ceremony of Digital Innovation Fair.
nice post...
check my blog
Schoolboy robot
nice post.thanks for sharing
He has a good brain
Good idea