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RE: Thought Experiment—Don't Think, Just DO! [Day 1 of 30]

in #busy7 years ago

"anticipation of future"

I'll give you a key example. While it normally takes me days to reply to a comment, I'm not even worrying about that shit right now. Instead of anticipating what I'll say—I'll just write it now.

Forsure, different strokes for different folks, it's just a matter of finding a system that will work out for me. Thanks for the encouragement! :3

Yeah, avoiding the cold is definitely hard-wired into us. I see movies sometimes when characters are put into ice baths as a form of mental-breaking torture. Should be interesting to see how breaking my own mind goes for me lmao


Should be interesting to see how breaking my own mind goes for me lmao

I'm looking forward to it! 😄

No thinking presents: Cold shower challenge!