Free flags are only an opportunity cost for the defenseless unprotected small accounts that will have no impact, and risk having any future growth stunted perhaps forever thus killing any ethically motivated flagging from the largest majority of active steemians.
All I know is that even though redfish and Minnow witness votes only account for a negligible percentage of total votes they tend to take notice when they lose their votes. Especially, from loud steemians, and definitely from the dolphins that make an impact. Sure, getting the freedom vote trumps all but basically what I'm saying is the only clear course to change is removing all votes for shit witnesses and demanding more professionalism and accountability from our BP. Nothing will change until we overhaul the decision makers..I also cannot express enough how having an anonymous entity like freedom in the shadows is destroying steem from a philosophical standpoint alone. It's a joke and mocks what decentralisation is all about, transparency.
Fear is the dominant currency on this platform. Kiss assery, apathy, and complacency are next.
Yep, I mostly agree.
Integrity shows and so does lack of integrity. If you know what the right thing to do is, and you choose not to do it... because.. Money.
There isn't enough money in the world to change your integrity. But there might be enough to change your behavior. it's gross.
Sigh, what to do... Seems to be a mass of immovable objects in the chain of command..
Posted using Partiko Android
I disagree it is a moral issue to purchase something that someone else has listed for sale. There are dumb decisions and there is a lack of morality those are two different things.
Also self voting vs. deceitful fake accounts are two different things.
To be fair, I can offer you a slave for sale. Or an assassination service. People can offer all sorts of immoral things for sale.
Again, a bad decision and immoral are two very different things.
You make a point, but really are you going to make that comparison?
A lot of people vote with their wallets based on moral decisions. Such as vegans not going to McDonald's - even for a veggie burger. Or people not spending money on clothing if they disagree with the company's child labour policies. And such.
So morality and purchasing decisions do indeed go hand in hand.
Also, who are honosurf and coininstant? And why are people on this chain such children?
Good point.
Just an unhappy guy with two accounts and he is mad so he is taking it out on everyone else.
What if we didn't name them votes... What if we named them visibility points?
Look I am fine with disagreeing on somethings, at the end of the day...
if no one looks at the site and no one curates it's a problem. Label that problem however you want and we all might see a few points differently...
I don't want to focus on that, if people just Downvoted and Upvoted their own personal preferences that would help a lot even though we would still likely have some places where we disagree. Right now, barely any curation is happening.
Well here the top block producers decide on the code that runs this place don’t they ? And since they are voted in it stands to reason that knowing what the people behind the servers stand for and what or whom they are motivated by should be transparent to all.
The rest of your points are your opinion and moot as they have no weight on the fact that this blockchain is an attempt at democratic consensus stake weighted voting. This isn’t a mere proof of work platform, it’s also heavily influenced by its social mechanisms.
You’re also confusing names with our ability to engage with and determine whom we want running the servers here. It’s not about a name or label it’s absolutely about having no ability to ascertain anything except voting habits from an investor that chooses not to reveal anything about their nature on a social media platform.
That doesn’t build any confidence and does nothing to help the ecosystem to reach a consensus for what is best for all stakeholders.
I’ll stop because I know you are very opinionated and I’m not looking to fight with you or create my own fork or interact with someone demonstrating such hostility.
Okay bud
Posted using Partiko iOS
I owe you nothing, just like your interpretations of the witnesses. Steem is different things to different people. There are no rules and no reason that I should waste any of my life on you. You're an island and your own circle jerk. I don't like your tone and I assure you I will never be bothered to have any correspondence with you again. I'm not impressed by your word salads and idgaf about your opinions. I didn't believe in muting until I ran into you, so congratulations on further diminishing your maniacal influence. I probably wont mute you because you're not worth another a tap of a touch screen. Ignoring your arrogance and ignorance will be easy. Owe you LMFAO 🤗