Glad to help; but, don't let the 'tortoise' approach for growing your reputation deter you.
There are a lot of whales, aka investors, on the platform whose energies are oftentimes used for growing the Steem platform. Others are merely members of the community for trading their investments for the best returns. This is part of what makes the Steem community a melting pot of all 'reasons' for being a member.
Of course, some grow their reps by "botting" their way up the ladder. This is often far more costly than meets the eye. As you study more, you will soon see that there are some people with high ranks and very little in their Wallet to show for it.
Even though this is an archived post, (of zero payout value ;+), I'm glad this conversation continues. Perhaps, this will inspire you to create an original post on the topic based on your perception.
Best regards!
Thanks, @spiritualmatters. Really. I'm just trying to make sense of all the different aspects of steemit, and your thoughtful response is appreciated.
Since I'm here to write and interact, it may be the tortoise approach for me. But banana style.

That's 99% of us on the platform...quite rewarding in a strange kind of way to see pennies turn into dollars, literally. Whale or plankton, Steemit is a great hobby for people who love to blog/vlog. It runs circles around FB for the simple reason, it pays in tangible rewards, no matter how minute the amount.
Best regards!
I hear ya. I got paid for my first post today, made a whole 0.12. But it was exciting. :-)
That's a pretty good payout without a bot! ✌!