Thank YOU for engaging in a dialogue, for challenging my views and reminding me to think positive! :-)
"Compensated enough" is very vague and subjective indeed ;-)
A few months ago, I compared my articles to shitposts without any value, that get bigger rewards. So not compensated enough in relation to those.
If you ask me now, it's not enough comparing the time invested to the money one could earn in a real job in the same time. But of course that's unrealistic to ask as a beginner on the platform after 3-4 months. Maybe one day it will become reality, but for now I am happy just blogging, streaming, learning. And as a wise woman once said...
Well as long as we remember that the rewards are a nice plus and no guarantee, the negative thoughts disappear magically :-)
Interesting to hear your opinion on bid bots. I'll have to check out your whole profile to see how you developed and made your way to success!
Well think about how it works in social media: If Miley Cyrus publishs a picture of an hamburger, it may get 1 million "likes" on Instagram. If we did the same, we probably wouldn't even get a like from our own moms (for being fast food) :-D
It's not only the content that is evaluated, it especially matters who you are and how's your standing in the network. That's what I meant with sustainability.
Oh well, many of it is not visible in the blog. Just think about the time one can spent in discord chatrooms engaging with the community. Building a brand on Steem requires more than only creating content.
If you had a look at my wallet you'd notice two things: First: I'm powering down since I will literally build a house on Steem (the piece of land was already financed through my crypto earnings) :-) And second: I have started to use smartsteem a couple of weeks ago in order to complement organic upvotes. I'm whitelisted at which makes the whole process quite easy. Yet, I try to keep things balanced, not paying for top trending positions since I don't like to see the comments section of my content being full of spammy follow me then I follow you posts :-)
Steem on!