It was one of those perfect evenings for a walk! Those wet roads after the rainfall! That slow approaching darkness which acted as a catalyst. Man! Everything looked so romantic altogether that I cursed myself for being single. You know, Bengaluru weather is just pure bliss.
What's the first thing that comes to your mind during those situations? Well, for me it is always Panipuri. I know a vendor who used to sell a plate for just Rs 10. The very thought of Gulping them down my throat gave me butterflies. So I visited the shop and decided to have a plate. And a kid, who belonged to one of the construction workers was also waiting there to eat Panipuri. He asked the vendor for a plate with just Rs 5 in his hand. To my surprise, vendor had increased the price to Rs 12. I could see the happiness in the kid's eyes drowning when the vendor denied. I decided to pay for the kid and asked the vendor to give him whatever he asks for.
Guess what? It didn't take long for me to realise that I forgot my wallet. I searched every nook and corner of my pant and successfully managed to find Rs 10 note.
“Oh wow! I don't even have money to pay mine.” I spoke to my inner self.
I cancelled my order, gave that Rs 10 note to the kid and decided to leave. I gulped down one Panipuri out of six Puris we get off the kid's plate thou! I'm sorry, I couldn't resist. Just one. :P
I slowly turned around to leave the shop only to find another desperate face staring right at me. It was the kid's sister.
“Dear god! Why me? Things would have been different If I had my wallet.” I uttered myself.
Then something hit me hard when I saw that “Paytm accepted here” sign. That Rs 75 cashback I got when I ordered food from swiggy. Hell Yeah! We ended up eating a plate of “Masala puri” and “Pani Puri” each. All three were happy.
Back to the question now. Yes! That fictional concept of money we all tend to believe in… buys happiness!
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