A bouncer got aggressive with @coruscate and me near karaoke because we were standing in front of their heat lantern outside an empty wall, which was apparently the entrance to the hottest night club in Kraków. After repeating grunts at us in Polish for a minute, and obnoxiously shouldering his way into where we were standing, he finally spoke English to tell us to leave. I thought he was a drunk local putting a weird move on her...
I told him he should've spoken English in the first place to mock his antics and we left peacefully. Definitely irrational scorn against foreigners simply standing outside!
When I was a student in another European country, college kids threw chairs at us Americans and cursed us out. I've seen worse in another country where a street performer had the crowd cheer "die America die", as a volunteer swung a flaming metal airplane into an American flag made of tissue paper that flared up. I went up to his face and would've broken him in half if police weren't right there. Ironically, he was an ex-pat from the US.
Rated G compared to your story.