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RE: Five Things You Should Keep Secret !

in #busy7 years ago

I wish I had these words of advice when I was a young man.

There are several things I would like to add.

Firstly, if you share your thoughts or feelings on a topic the listner may only hear the parts he wants to listen to.

Secondly, if the listener repeats to others parts of what you said, the others will form an opinion on you based on that small part. You said 1000 words, but only 20 get repeated. You can be judged on those 20 words.

Thirdly, things have changed in recent years. As a young man, I could say or do the wrong thing, but I could then walk away from it and start again. Now everything you say and do is remembered and recorded forever. It’s all on Facebook, Steemit, Google, or wherever for posterity.

Everything you Do or confess to will haunt the rest of your life. Smoked weed in college? It’s on Facebook. Kissed a girl? The photo is on Instagram. Got fired from work? Linked-in knows. Made a racist comment? It’s on Twitter. Expressed your politcal opinion? It’s on steemit.

Five, ten or twenty years from now, people will be drawing conclusions about you based on these snippets of information you left lying around.


Ye indeed that's true but i also regret that i did'nt listen to some wise advices when i was yong too.

First of all thank you for showing your opinion.

Ye people always admit what favors them the most thats also a fact.

By repeating to others the wise informations spread out quickly just like the bad ones and dissinformation too although i accept incoming critiques at any time but my intention is to inform people with lots of good things i learned in life and wise words i got adviced by wise men.
I consider myself a bit of a fool for not realising such things in time.

Indeed social networks changed the lifestyle of everyone it also helps us remember what we have been through, good and bad things included.
But i see this more like a good thing because i can always go back and watch those images and lots of other silly things i did back 10 years ago. And i had less things to worry about and i was not stressed out.
Well, whatever the conclusions are i think they might agree with me since people realize some things as they grow older so they will come to realize that i was right in some stuff .

Again thank you @swissclive