Why does the color of the sky change often

in #busy5 years ago (edited)
Hello everyone's !!!

When I was a child, I often witnessed one natural phenomenon such as red on the horizon both in the morning and evening. So when this is seen, a question arises in the mind, why does the sky turn into the color of blood in the morning and evening? Whereas at noon the sky is blue.

At first glance it was answered in a ratio that the color of the sky was caused by the translucent sunlight reaching the earth. But if the sun's light has several types of colors namely red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet and a mixture of other colors seen on earth? So for the answer, look at some of the explanations that are often said by experts in the field.

🌞 Scientific explanation of red on the horizon

When the sun rises and sets, the position of the sun is perpendicular to the earth. In that position, the distance of the path of sunlight to the Earth's atmosphere (eye sight) is further than during the day.

So based on the above questions can be concluded through the words of experts that the color or sunlight can be classified into several types, such as long and short waves. Then the light that is grouped into long waves is green, purple, blue, and indigo. While there are short waves such as red, orange and yellow colour.

Then what is seen on earth is only a few waves of light. However, each wave reaches the earth and is sometimes invisible to the human eye.

Then in a scientific explanation saying that when the afternoon and morning, it will be seen red, orange and yellow light will appear or refract in the atmosphere and reach our vision as you see in the picture in this post

Then how about the explanation of the heat wave that has been mentioned above. It is further said that light or colors such as green, blue, indigo, and purple, are not visible or reach the normal vision of the human eye unless seen with certain tools. Then the color that reaches the earth and our vision will form a beautiful color gradation, and even then it really depends on the earth's atmosphere or weather conditions whether bright or not.

So with scientific explanations the experts can be clearly accepted by the human mind and answered the questions asked above that become mysteries or natural phenomena today.

Such is the review of why the horizon changes color either at midday or morning and evening. Thanks.


Explanation ofpictures and writing
CameraMI Note/7
Photo addressMedan, Indonesia
ThemeaWhy does the color of the sky change often
Source of knowledgeOwn ideas and Remarks by experts