Are You Creating Uptopia Or Dystopia

in #busy7 years ago


"Whether you think you can or you think you cannot, you are right."

This famous quote is attributed to Henry Ford and, for most of the past century, was used by self-help and motivational speakers. In addition to that, I found that many sales manager point to the same topic.

"Thoughts are things."

Here again we see another famous quote from the 20th century, this one from Napoleon Hill's landmark book "Think and Grow Rich". In this instance, it is not people in the motivational field who are pointing to it. Instead, we witnessed the sciences start to embrace some of the ideas Nikola Tesla mentioned so long ago; energy, vibration, and frequency.

How we view the world affects everything we do. A change in one belief can alter our behavior in almost every area. That is how powerful the coding system is within us. Researchers tell us the most impressionable ages are from birth to 7. This is where the brain is like a sponge, sucking in all around it. Many of the things we observe and experience become "hard-wired" into us. This is very helpful if it is something that is uplifting while enhancing our lives. Unfortunately, what often happens is the fears of those around us, parents, teachers, older siblings, are simply programmed into us.

Hence, most have beliefs that they did not choose, yet will defend with passion.

Part of my process to return from the abyss was to analyze all my beliefs. It is incredible how much of our lives are run on auto-pilot. Our interaction with the world tends to spring from the belief system imprinted upon our psyche so long ago.

Our world is filled with negativity. I am convinced that is by design. As I wrote in some articles in the past, the elites who are enslaving humanity are not only aware of esoteric ideas, they use them to perfection. If you want to negate the natural powers a person has, simply fill him or her with a vast amount of fear. This renders that person helpless. Do it to an entire population and you have what we today term "our society".

Have you ever met someone who was always "wonderful"? The type of person who is always feeling good and expressing it in an optimistic manner? An individual who you could tell was basically full of it?

Now compare that to a person you encountered who was genuinely happy? Sure there were bad days but you could tell the person was usually comfortable with what was going on.

The difference between the two is the programming. With the first individual, the expression of everything being "wonderful" was an act. At the surface level, the person might believe but the subconscious was say "bullshit". The programming was full of fear hence, not everything was wonderful.

When we look at the second person, this individual was genuine. What was being said matched the internal programming. The subconscious was in congruence with that. In this situation, what was inside was literally flowing out.


Programming is an important aspect of our lives. If we leave it to chance, which most do, we are going to be a product of society i.e. the elite. As mentioned, the younger years, which for a great deal of our persona, were spent taking in all that was wrong with our parents. Their programming, which most likely was not examined, was passed onto us. That is why we suddenly realize, years later, "oh my God, I am my mother".

I cannot stress this enough; this is all by design. The elites want to control us. They are far outnumbered hence they have to use other tactics. Fear is at the top of the list.

The goal of the elites is the make the world appear cruel and cold. It is something that requires help. We learn phrases such as "it is a dog eat dog world". Advertisers spend years blasting us with ads basically telling us that we are not enough (which is why we need to buy their products). Competition is espoused as natural putting us in a position to believe we have to fight for everything in life. This is reinforced by having a hierarchical system which grants privilege to only a few. The rest are literally forced to fight over the scraps that are left over.

Individuality is revered with the "self-made man" being the epitome of success. On this surface this looks attractive until we realize it is really isolation. Unity and cooperation are mentioned as nice ideas, but not really applicable. "I have to get what is mine" even if it is at the expense of someone else. Of course, the flip side is true...if someone gets something, I lose out.

The goal is to create dependence. This is what the elites are after. Since we view things through a dystopia lens, they are there to offer a solution. Turning our power over to them is what is best. They will solve our problems if we simply keep them in charge. Of course, they never solve any of the problems, only create more meant to further their control. Life is nothing but a Shakespearean play, with a protagonist and an antagonist. Since they are the former, they manufacture the later. We hope and pray they make the world a better place. Hence we provide our votes, tax dollars, political support, and buy their products.

Trust me when I tell you the elites know that "thoughts are things". They spent most of your life programming you to operate in a state of continual fear. The fight or flight mechanism, which was designed to provide a sudden burst of energy in a dangerous, but temporary situation, was manipulated to always be on high alert. This is why so many suffer the physical effects of stress. Anyone only needs to look at the studies about the impact of increased cortisol on the body.


If you want to change the world, you must first change yourself.

This is something many say but few really understand what it means. On the surface it appears to be some woo woo mumbo jumbo. Sadly, this is what the banksters want you to think. The truth is that each person has more power within him or herself than imagined. The challenge is that we are programmed to believe we are impotent. This is the programming for the overwhelming majority of society. We only need to look at the behaviors to realize how fear, in all its forms, is really running the show.

Basically, to change the world, one must change the programming. Beliefs are to be examined if you are to make any difference in the world. We are at a crucial stage in humanity with things starting to really accelerate. We are creating technologies that are providing insight into some of what is possible (and what was possible for us naturally before the truth was hidden from us). Yet, there is still a large force out there which desires to keep us enslaved.

We cannot reflect out to the world what does not exist within us. If we are programmed for dystopia, then that is what is reflected back to us. I think all of us encountered those individuals that no matter what happened, they were negative about it. Of course, this person was a master of creating crap in not only his/her own life but of everyone around. Most of us shun those people since they are toxic. Naturally, other toxic people gravitate towards this ilk, further reinforcing the belief system.

At the other end is the person who is intent on creating utopia. This is not to say the person sticks one's head in the sand believing everything is wonderful. That is akin to the first person I mentioned. The cognitive dissonance is evident in that situation. Uptopia is not blind optimism. One with this view does not believe there is no bad in the world. There is plenty of evil shit that takes place. Only a fool tries to deny that. However, one with an utopian outlook realizes the overall good that is taking place and the optimism of progress being made. It is a re-programming, moving away from fear towards, for lack of a better word, love.

When we adopt this belief system, it is easy to see inter-connectedness of it all. "No man is an island". Each day we interact with hundreds of people who are all tapped into the same consciousness as we are. There is no monopoly on emotions or feelings. We all tend to experience the same in this area. Those who believe they are so unique are only deluding themselves with their programming. This is what the banksters want. Divide and conquer is their methodology.

After reading these words, it is imperative to know we are free to choose. It is possible that most of us never considered this. Few spend their time analyzing their belief systems unless they ended up in a real emotional quagmire. Instead, we go through life ripping into anything that goes counter to what we believe without even questioning it. We literally are like puppets on a string.

The world is full of bullies. We see them in every walk of life. The truth about bullies is they are completely consumed with fear. The reason they attack, degrade, and make fun of is because if it was done to them, the pain would be excruciating. These people fall into the "he can dish it out but he cant take it" category.

We see a lot of that behavior on here. While Steemit is better than the average social media site, we see many who profess to be one thing yet have to attack, degrade, and call others names. The truth of the matter, since there is the connection, one is really attacking oneself. And why wouldn't he or she? When one hates oneself, that is what is done. The lashing outward is done out of helplessness. Isn't this the epitome of fear? Decades of bankster programming leads one to this point. One who truly possesses self-love needs not attack another. Of course, none of us are perfect so it is a moment-by-moment thing.

Throughout the ages, all the long-standing texts mentioned going "within". What I am writing here today is a reflection of that. It is only by searching within ourselves that we are able to take that outward. Most times, this is a slow process drawn out over years. Remember, the programming took years to be implemented, it is not going to change instantly.

I think it is safe to say that most on here love the idea of freedom. At the same time, most are aware that humanity is enslaved. We all want to help free the world. However, this cannot be done while we are operating out of fear and allowing the bankster programming to continue unchecked. If we want to change the world, we need to recode ourselves.

If you believe the world is shit and we are doomed, congratulations, you are a star pupil. You learned the lesson of the banksters well. Hopelessness is utopia to them. When one achieves that state, drugs, alcohol, gambling, violence, and a host of other maladies become attractive. Of course, they profit off all of them.

The battle that is being waged is not physical, nor is it monetary. Instead, the bankters are engaged upon a game that is mental, emotional, psychological, and spiritual. They took great pains to ensure they control it all. Now it is up to us to break down their system.

It all starts with one person seeing things for what they are and deciding to go within for the answers. After that, "miracles" start to happen.

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Perhaps, just perhaps, a new human will evolve from the Genesis of blockchain technology. Remember the story in the Old Testament of how the Israelites, who fled slavery in Egypt, were kept out of the new "promised land" for 40 years, until all those with slave mentality died away? Maybe, we will see a similar death among humanity as those who have been enslaved and cannot comprehend real freedom, and it's blood (personal responsibility), pass away.

What will the New Human be like? I don't know exactly but one of the markers will certainly be that we are aware of our own beliefs, that they are real and imprinted, but that we can change them or even delete them. Beliefs create a false reality. We can become true creators of reality, by slipping the chains of false beliefs. Those who cannot, will die away.

Fascinating post. Thank you. Would like to read a post on how you "analyzed" your beliefs and stepped away from the abyss. Peace.

I was watching a documentary about various factors of this just the other night. It was called The Four Horsemen, released in 2013.

It highlights how it's not what we do know, it's what we do not. It's a very non-bias documentary and just explains the system and aims to teach people why it is the way it is. Most people are apathetic to the world because they believe they can't do anything about it; when infact it's quite the opposite. The problem is (just like you highlighted), that people are conditioned into this so badly that they don't even question what they believe.

I remember reading Napoleon Hills book Think and Grow Rich about 5 years ago and after he said there was a secret inside the pages and you'll find it by the end, I read it twice over and still didn't get it. It wasn't until I started applying some of the principles and lessons in the book that I realised that the secret is the name of the book.

Direct your thoughts, learn how to think.

Being rich is weak on it's own. If you want to just be rich, you may as well jump onto the bandwagon with Goldman Sachs right now and get your rubber gloves on so you can dish out the handjobs while you're begging for your crypto. Learn how to think for yourself and direct your thoughts towards change and positive aspects that can revolutionise our world, for us. Build up genuine relationships and learn from each other, don't chase after money, hundreds of tokens and pure monetary gain. You'll just end up like one of them.

Didn't mean to end up in a rant in this comment. Just something that's very close to my heart too.

Think and grow smart - that should be your book @taskmaster4450. Could get it marketed to us all here in the crypto space ;)

Could put it on's very own ebook platform.

@calumam I loved what you said about focussing on building genuine relationships (and not chasing money).

I know some people who are not really intrigued about what the blockchain can do, but only whether the alt coins they invested in are going up in value.

But it's sad because ultimately, community and relationships are what matters the most.

Wow, this is so bang on! There's a whole lot of truth in this post. Loved it! Resteemed.

i pledge allegiance
to the flag
of the united states of america
and to the republic
for which it stands
one nation
under god
with liberty and justice for all

I was listening to this Adyashanti talk today and he talked about how Ghandi wasn't against British rule, he was for Indian rule. We choose where we put our focus, if we focus on what is bad, we keep getting bad, even if our intentions are to alleviate that bad, so that subtle change towards what is desired, to what we want to choose instead of what we want to get away from, makes all the difference.

You are very right that we get to choose, dropping all the beliefs that life has to be hard, you've got to do such and such, yada yada, all that has to go out the window, we just choose what we want and work for that in our daily.

Great write up, resteemed

Mother Teresa was reported to reject any offers to attend an anti-war rally...she said if you hold a peace rally, she will be the first in line.

There is so much below the surface of this concept that people cannot imagine. As I said, I believe the elites are fully aware of the power that is in each of us and what focus, thoughts, beliefs, and spirit are all about. They understand the conscious field and how it operates. The masses, they argue of politics, religion, and sports.

Divide and conquer....

Oh, they absolutely know how things work, their are crazy things in the works and already created to try to keep us in line. Like how cell towers may be able to influence our thoughts using different frequencies. Then there is the obvious stuff like massive amounts of propaganda and fear mongering. All of these shootings might be orchestrated for all we know, they are trying to keep our minds on that type of stuff instead of actually bettering the world and watching it get better.

If we put half the money we put into military into schools, health services, and infrastructure this place would flip around way quicker, but oh yeah that's their money, the "tax." The only thing we can do is each individually work on ourselves and our inner abundance and then pass that on to others. You're doing an amazing job, consistently the most upbeat voice in my feed, thanks for all you do man, I really love this community, it's been hugely positive for me, just wish I had more time for it

What a wonderful post. You truly bring out things that we see regularly and bring to mind for others who miss it.

Thanks for sharing. In a world where information flies by at lightening speed, something like this requires people to slow down and stop just to be able to read it. Then hopefully they pause long enough to absorb some of it before jumping back into the fray.

@taskmaster4450 You hit the nail on the head.

Thanks for being brave to share these counter-cultural insights with us.

Fear and despair, is ordinary. Love, is extraordinary.

"We all want to help free the world. However, this cannot be done while we are operating out of fear..."

I think that one quote summarizes the heart of the issue. I completely agree!

Awesomely said. We are waking up, this is what return of Christ mean.

I tend to think that i can't really often


The key to success is 90% Mindset. Create affirmations and write down goals and update them as time goes by. Think of it as a game it makes it fun. Read the book Think and Grow Rich that he mentioned. Quite a long article I might say but very imformative! Fight or Flight is my favorite part! I use that alot when I motivate myself.

Thank you !

I will try that
but in theory everything is easier

Beautifully written and well-articulated points here. You've given me many things to think about here. I'm especially resonating with the reflection on oneself being key here. This hit home.

If you believe the world is shit and we are doomed, congratulations, you are a star pupil. You learned the lesson of the banksters well. Hopelessness is utopia to them. When one achieves that state, drugs, alcohol, gambling, violence, and a host of other maladies become attractive. Of course, they profit off all of them.

I couldn't agree more.

Big thanks to @simoezandawi for re-steeming. Thank you for posting @taskmaster4450! It's really nice to see this kind of writing.

There are so many good lines in this post and I do wish Steemit or Busy had a 'highlight' feature, similar to Medium.

Your writing encourages me to go deeper into some of the more darker topics and heavier viewpoints I have of the current state of society, so thank you for expressing yourself like this, I really appreciate it.


Hence, most have beliefs that they did not choose, yet will defend with passion.

This is one of the biggest pain-points for me; it's extremely tiring having to dance around these bullshit belief-walls that people have up.
When people are challenged on their actions/thoughts/views, some literally say, "Because it's just what I believe," and they close off right there, they won't even hear you. And as much as I don't believe that everyone has to explain themselves, I do believe that you should understand why you are the way you are. Otherwise you're programmed a certain way without any real understanding why. You can't comprehend what you're closing yourself off from and you can't truly manifest an amazing life.

We have to keep finding new ways to have people look inwards; and I believe one of the most effective way to do this is to interact without ego. If we act without ego, we can act as a mirror for the person we're interacting with. It's something Ram Dass talks about in the way he lives his life. (not sure exactly where in the lecture sorry).

Happy self-loving! Anyway, I don't want to blab, thank you again for your writing @taskmaster4450, I look forward to more.