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RE: First @ned And Now Steemit: The Powering Down Continues

in #busy6 years ago

I agree @masterthematrix.

At some point, the community will get tired of the antics. Perhaps Steemit sees the writing on the wall and is going to step back. I cannot tell since they are silent as can be.

Steem is much bigger than Steemit and that means we are going to forge ahead in spite of them.


But a higher profile in all of Steem would be better, IMO.@ned was in Steem Speak last night and for quite a while...

Interesting what did he had to say? Anything worth mentioning?

I was just there for the tail end of it, looked like some simple Q&A on dev-level topics... I did not bother to scroll up. Everyone seemed calm, nd there are some really big players at SS. Big-ass Dolphins and up, many Orca and a whale or 3. @fyrstikken owns it. (the discord)