US Gov’t Worker Suffers Traumatic Brain Injury After ‘Abnormal Sound’ Incident in China

in #busy7 years ago

By Matt Agorist

 Beijing, China — The US State Department issued a health alert to US  citizens in China on Wednesday after an American embassy employee  suffered a traumatic brain injury. According to the State Department,  the injury was due to a “abnormal sensations of sound and pressure.” 

The incident is ominously reminiscent of a series of similar attacks  in Havana, Cuba that left 21 State Department employees with serious  injuries. Now, after urging Americans not to visit Cuba, the government  is similarly warning US citizens to be on the alert in China. The State Department’s reports: 

A U.S. government employee in China recently reported  subtle and vague, but abnormal, sensations of sound and pressure.  The  U.S. government is taking these reports seriously and has informed its  official staff in China of this event.  We do not currently know what  caused the reported symptoms and we are not aware of any similar  situations in China, either inside or outside of the diplomatic  community.

The incident comes as the new Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, is  preparing to meet Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Washington on  Wednesday to discuss trade. 

As NBC reports, Jinnie  Lee, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Embassy in Beijing said the employee  reported the symptoms from late 2017 through last month and was  eventually taken to the U.S. for further evaluation. 

“On May 18, the embassy learned that the clinical findings of this evaluation matched mild traumatic brain injury,” she said. “The department is taking this incident very seriously and is working to determine the cause.” 

According to the State Department, citizens in China should take the following actions:    

  • If you have concerns about any symptoms or medical problems that  developed during or after a stay in China, consult a medical  professional.
  • While in China, if you experience any unusual acute auditory or  sensory phenomena accompanied by unusual sounds or piercing noises, do  not attempt to locate their source. Instead, move to a location where  the sounds are not present.

President Donald Trump has yet to respond to the incident in China, although the incident in Cuba was met with backlash. “Some very bad things happened in Cuba,” Trump said at the time. “They did some bad things.” 

After the alleged attack in Cuba, the State Department issued a  similar warning, telling Americans not to visit the country which  prompted a drop in tourism to the Cuba. In March, a team of computer scientists claimed to have cracked the mystery behind the Cuban sound attack. Professor Kevin Fu and members of the Security and Privacy Research  Group at the University of Michigan say that the incident in Havana  could’ve been caused by two sources of ultrasound — such as  eavesdropping equipment —  placed too close together could generate  interference and provoke the intense sounds described by the victims. Whether or not this was a deliberate attack, however, remains a mystery. 

As the Free Thought Project has previously reported,  the idea of a sonic attack is not some far-fetched conspiracy theory.  In fact, the US Army has been exposed for studying audio and visual  technologies in order to use them as weapons. 

On December 16, 1997, children across Japan plopped down in front of their TVs to watch an episode of Pokemon. 700 of them never saw the end. Hundreds of children experienced seizures and were rushed to the hospital after witnessing Pikachu use his lightning powers to blow up missiles. The episode, called ‘Electric Soldier Porygon,’ was banned from airing again, even in edited form. 

The effects were so damning to Pokemon that the entire show was removed from the air for four months. However, while the world was scrambling to understand what could’ve  possibly caused this reaction, the US Army quietly began researching the  episode — to weaponize it. Seriously. The Army wanted to blast pulses similar to those used in the  episode into the faces of its adversaries to overload their brains and  cause them to convulse. 

Application of “electromagnetic pulses” could force neurons to all  fire at once, causing a “disruption of voluntary muscle control,” reads a  description of the ominous “seizure” weapon, contained in a declassified document  from the Army’s National Ground Intelligence Center. “It is thought by  using a method that would actually trigger nerve synapses directly with  an electrical field, essentially 100% of individuals would be  susceptible to seizure induction.” 

The report was discovered thanks to an activist filing a Freedom of  Information Act request. It revealed the Army’s sinister intentions in  making electromagnetic weapons — propaganda.

 According to a report in Wired,  the military needed weapons like these because TV news had hamstrung  the military’s traditional proclivities to kill its way to victory: 

It  now lived in a world where “You don’t win unless CNN says you win,” the  report lamented. But while the Pentagon still laments the impact of the  24/7 news cycle on the U.S. military, it hardly thinks less-lethal  weapons are a solution to it. 

In fact, the U.S. has kept most of its  electromagnetic arsenal off of the battlefield, in part because the idea  of invisible pain rays would sound so bad coming out of an anchor’s  mouth. This disturbing Pokemon weapon would disrupt chemicals in the brain and induce an immediate seizure — in 100% of the population. 

“The onset of synchony and disruption of muscular control is said to  be near instantaneous,” the 1997 Army report reads. “Excitation is  directly on the brain.” And “100% of the population” is  supposed to be susceptible to the effects — from distances of “up to  hundreds of meters” — “[r]ecovery times are expected to be consistent  with, or more rapid than, that which is observed in epileptic seizures.” The report showed how Army officials likely drooled over the notion  of inducing seizures in their unwitting victims, specifically mentioning  the Pokemon episode. 

“The photic-induced seizure phenomenon was borne out demonstrably  on December 16, 1997 on Japanese television when hundreds of viewers of  a popular cartoon were treated, inadvertently, to photic seizure  induction,” the analysis noted. Naturally, the Army has denied any such weapon exists. However, as we  have consistently reported, the US government also has no problem  lying. 

 We are the Free Thought Project — a hub for Free Thinking conversations about the promotion of liberty and the daunting task of government accountability. All of our content was created by our team of artists and writers. Learn more about us on our website


Cuba came to mind for me instantly as well.

Good Lord, what a strange (or Brave) New World we find ourselves in.

Well another article that makes me feel a little quizzy about living in the US. I mean talk about a way to keep protesters from protesting! The time is now for the masses to wake up and stop this industrial/military complex from attempting to control-our lives. Start practicing meditation, yoga, reiki, sound healing, Kirtan, shamanic journeying, chi gong, any internal martial arts, the Barr’s, or entheogens such as Ayahuasca, Kambo, 5Meo-dmt, NN-dmt, cacao, psilocybin mushrooms, cannabis, and so on. Get your self in a daily practice of some sort of healing modality. Entheogens can give you a jumpstart into the awaking of your consciousness, but need to be accompanied by a daily practice of some sort of healing art. Now is the time, the more of us that become present the quicker the ice berg will be tilted!!

I got an email from the embassy in Beijing warning me to retreat from the source of the sound if I found myself under that pressure.... absolutely terrifying stuff.

I know the conspiracy theories are tasty, but, what are the odds dude just had a stroke?