The Story of Abdullah Ibnu Umar Al-Baidhawi From Iran

in #busy7 years ago (edited)


AhI taleir Al-Quran full name Abu Sa'id Nashiruddin Abduhlah ibn Umar ibn Mu hammad ibn Ali Al-Baidhawi. He was born in Al-Baidha ', a place near Shiraz. His father was a magistrate in Fars, southern Iran, under the reign of Atabeg Abu Bakr b Sa'd (613-658 H / 1226-1260 AD).

After studying science, especially the science of jurisprudence and interpretation, Al-Baidhawi followed his father's footsteps in Shiraz. However, later moved to Tabriz to devote his attention to science.

The life of Al-aidhawi in Tabriz is spent more on composing his works. The works of the Koran commentator who died in Tabriz. in 691 AH / 1291 AD this is Anwar Al-Tanzil wa Asrar Al Ta'wil, a masterpiece in the field of Qur'anic commentary which refers to Al-Kasysyaf, by Al-Zamakhsyari.

There are also Thawali 'Al-Anwar min Mathåli' Al-Anzhar, Minhaj Al-Wushûl ila 'Ilm Al-Ushûl, Book of Al-Mahshûl, and Nizham Al-Tawarikh.


Best story... I like your post...