My Goals My Targets

in #busy7 years ago

A female friend just asked me question. She said; how do I make money? I giggled and told her. Work ! She smiled and told me, I feel I will be poor in future. At this point, I became convinced that she really wants to work and make money. This friend of mine has the world stirring right at her at this moment. She is feeling the pressures of life and wants to break free at this early stage.
A life well live can only be measured by goals and targets set and achieved. Without evaluation, one can never see and feel the extent of progress. This is basically why I set goals and targets.

Whats Is A Goal.

A goal from wikipedia is an idea of the future or desired result that a person or a group of people envisions, plans and commits to achieve. It is simply what someone wants to accomplish at the end of all his or her life. I personally see a goal as an imaginative concept of what you truly feel you want to become, achieve and be fulfilled. I see it as an imaginative concept simply because, a goal must be something that you are far from attaining in your life and you will need to work deligently to achieve. Your growth is dependent on how big your goal is. Einstein once said; Imagination is more important than knowledge. He who is able to creatively imagine his way through success will definitely find a way to it. And a world without creative imagination and dreams is a world of now new innovation and it will definitely die of. So my advice to you this evening is to be creatively imaginative and set a goal not too far from your reach but marginally difficult to achieve and work towards it. You can never achieve what you cant conceive in your mind.
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What is Targets.

With a proper goal being set, one tool that can essentially guide one through to his/her goal is targets. Targets are easy small achievable goals. Targets are different from goals in the sense that, accomplishment of a target leads one closer to his/her goal. Setting proper targets is a key to one achieving his/her goals and we all ought to know how to. I find it difficult most at times to begin something whether it be an event planning / organisation, going to lectures or an ordinary active. I judge it to be cumbersome and weigh it most at times as such and never get to start it. Goals can most often feel the same and we need targets to complete them. The relationship between a goal and a target is analogous to the task of counting each sing broom stick in a broom that has been assembled. It often seems impossible until you untie the broom and start counting it little by little. Each target in a goal is similar to a broom stick. Easy to achieve but when left alone to accumulate, the task becomes more strenuous

With this at the back of my head, i live my life by breaking each task i want to accomplish into smaller divisions. This principle is popular called, divide and conquer principle. We all have the maximum achievement we could ever make in our lifetime. The earlier we acknowledge this and work towards it, the easier it becomes. My friend has identified how she wants to live and basically doesn't want to live a life full of poverty and as such will be working towards that. Lets all do the same. Be inspired and work towards your goals. Till next time


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Yes, everyone should have goals. For some things in life, we have set a lot of goals for ourselves. Many people work hard towards a goal. The goal has created pressure. The pressure has generated momentum. The driving force is making people move forward. The goal is a good thing.

Thanks for passing by. The importance of goal setting cannot be underestimated

You're welcome, I think your article is very well written, life must have a goal, and you won't lose your way. It's like sailing on the sea.

'you can never achieve what you can't conceive in your mind ' gosh... This is deep. So it means it all starts from the mind, it's starts by you putting them together in your mind. You form and create what you want and then take deliberate steps to bring them into being. I think the issue is, most times we limit ourselves to even conceive, we are too lazy and fearful to even conceive in the first place.
Think big, form them as they come, create them, in your mind. Don't be afraid, don't be scared by how huge they are, write them down and take deliberate steps to achieve them.
Thanks so much for this @tj4real. It's encouraging

Well written write-up, you are really a professional writer, to be successful in anything, one needs to have goal and target, you have talked about GOAL and TARGET which i also learn from it.. This will motivate many peoples.. Thumbs up

Thanks for your contribution.

Really well done post! I think you really hit the nail on the head! I really agree that anything as achievable if a dream is broken into small enough goals that they can be easily handled! Thats how I live my life and I think it is working out pretty well!


this is amazing. the divide and conquer principle. i have always said, life is based on principles, obey the principles and you get the result. i love you view about imagination. i was reading one of Brian Tracy's book and he mentioned: whatever you can conceive, you can achieve.
our imaginations are very powerful tools.
and goals must be SMART.(specific,Measurable,Achievable,Relevant and Timely). any Goal that doesn't have a time attached to it is just a mere dream.

that is why we have more dreamers than Go-getters.

when you have a dream which is always bigger than you, then break it up into yearly goals, then monthly targets.

and i believe strongly, if your reason for pursuing money is just to make money, you won't get enough. because your Money blue print is wrong.

interesting 40 upvotes with only 20 views

Poverty is definitely a bad thing. The greatest poverty, however, is that of the mind; overcoming that automatically leads to success.

Indeed. If we cannot conceive our success in our mind, then we don't even stand a chance to it.

May I add also that without hard work and prayers, this goals and targets will not materialize.

If you set your goal and targets, act on it immediately, otherwise it will just be an idea in your head. And I think prayers help a lot.

Indeed, that which has been built in the spiritual realm easily surface in the physical realm. Prayers cant be un derestimated

We've all got to clearly define our goals in order to get the accomplished, and take action plans towards it, find motivation through every step of the way, push through no matter, and we will surely get there.
It's good she has realized she has a problem and needs to break free from it.

Thanks for sharing @tj4real. The divide and conquer principle works like magic.

Nice posts.... We need to be prepared, and know the direction we want to go in, before embarking on the journey, so it's not a wasted effort. Cheers for this.

The most difficult part is to set the goal. I took me for more than a year, to decide in which direction I want to turn my professional career to.
Once you have set up a goal, one must remember that the path the goal isn't always a straight one. The road to the goal will have lots of curves, sometimes even u turns or we need to take a detour to reach the goal.
Setting target is a good things because it allows us to celebrate small victories. Which is always nice. But the problem with targets is that it is sometime difficult to know how high we have to raise the bar. It is like playing Limbo (but then the other way around), if you set the bar the low you will never be capable of reaching the target, of you set the bar to high, you could just walk under it!
Thx for your enlighten post!

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It's an amzing article for everyone who wants to be successful. I thought that goals and targets are the same, but now I understand that the goal is much bigger than just a target.

Anyone guide me how to make money online i have no skill

You are absolutely right! Imagination and day reaming can open many doors for the future. We need to believe in ourselves and our abilities to achieve whatever we want from this life.

I like your divide and conque principle! Need to implement it too!

Thank you for sharing. Setting goals is one thing, following through is another. I am glad I read this post and like your friend I too don't want to be poor.

"Goal" may have different meanings. For me, it's something not just worth achieving while you're still alive. It's also something that keeps you brave enough to move forward every time you fall.

All bets aside from the tasks to form and pull forward with your goals/targets, you should always work hard and try to stay positive each and every day of your life. Of Course "A life well lived can only be measured by goals and targets set and achieved."-tj4real, however if you don't act on those goals you'll never achieve that goal. Let's face reality. It is not a place to sit around and make a living for doing nothing. Society and the entire race of mankind has it's fair share of goals/targets as well. Each and every homosapien on the face of the earth had to have some influence on our future. The only reason why we are all here right now on our advanced arsenal of revolutionary technology is all because of the goals achieved by our distant ancestors. They all did something with hard work and dedication to get to their goals/targets of surviving and reproducing. So would you all kindly take this as an inspiration and motive to get up and start helping the future of not only yourself but for others as well.

We only achieve what we have planned for..thats so right about it.good to see you up for the game @tj4real