Don't Give Up

in #busy7 years ago (edited)

His legs wobbled as he walked tentatively into the woods. Sure, he'd been thinking about doing this for a month now but now that he was making the move, he wasn't so sure it was the right thing to do. He paused shortly, looked around then sighed and resumed walking. His entire life journey had taken a nosedive three months ago. It had all started when the firm he worked at had had a merger. The change in management and firm administration had resulted in a mass lay-off of workers and unfortunately, he had been one. He'd immediately set out on the streets and everywhere looking for a job or ways to earn but he didn't find any and things started fall apart quickly around him. The steady ship he'd been sailing all his life had begun sinking.


His wife's salary was hardly enough to foot the bills and with time she started complaining about how his joblessness was affecting them. They were slowly drifting apart and started arguing a lot. She started keeping late nights and avoiding him and eventually the house. She looked for excuses not to be home with him. She was going on more office trips and working extra hours mostly to spite him than to earn more money. His home was quickly crashing and there was nothing he could do about it.

But things quickly went from bad to worse when his daughter fell ill. It was a rather serious case of malaria which had started as something so small that he thought he could treat her at home by himself instead of taking her to hospital. He did this in order to save money but little did he know that he was only making her worse through his medication. It wasn't until he saw she was almost at the point of death that he rushed her to the hospital. The doctors had then told him a lot of money was needed for her treatment. Being short on cash, he had begged everyone around; his friends and family, but in the end he was unable to raise the money needed for her treatment. His daughter had eventually died in his arms at the hospital yesterday.

He'd called his wife who was on an official trip and broken the news to her on the phone. She screamed and cried but didn't utter a single word before hanging up. This morning he'd forced himself to get up from bed when he heard the doorbell ring. He literally dragged himself to the door. It was the postman with a delivery for him. He signed and he was handed two envelopes. Still too sad and tired, he headed back to bed, cried and then he slept. After an hour, he woke up and made coffee before sitting on the sofa to check the mail.

He opened the first envelope and received the shock of his life. It was a divorce letter. His wife was leaving him. Along with the papers for him to sign on came a note from her saying she had moved on and was now with someone else. All she needed from him was a divorce so she could marry the other guy. She added that she didn't need any alimony since he was wretched and that there would be no need for child custody struggles because he had killed their child. He had cried for hours after reading it and now, here he was, walking in the woods, confused.

His mind was searching about looking for answers. How had this happened to him of all people? Who had he offended and why did he deserve this brutal punishment? Unable to find any answers, he slumped his shoulders and stopped walking then he looked around. The spot seemed great, he stuck his hand in his pocket and brought out a gun. He cocked it. The boom that followed left birds flying away in fear and his body cold dead on the ground.

Hours later, his suicide note was found next to the second envelope he hadn't opened. The envelope informing him of the million-dollar contract he'd just won.


Where there is darkness, I'll shine the light.


There is absolutely no reason to give up in life
No matter what we are passing through, there is a 300% tendency that someone has passed through it before

We cant afford to give up for any reason
If we dont hold on, we most likely will not see the end of the tunnel which may be joy after all according to the illustration give

Thanks for sharing
It similar to what i shared on my blog



Interesting story. Really captivated the mind of its readers.

Thanks for an amazing storytelling @tojukaka.So beautiful reading this.

Wow, what a story, it's not too late for anything, never give up, the last minute could be the time one has be waiting for. Thank you for this encouragement. Am sure it will help a quite number of people

It's a great story. book should come out :)

i am inspire about him from your post.
thank you for your post.

Really deep and emotional story and i wish that know one should go through from this pain, and from this story we can learn one thing that suicide is not an option no matter what is your position is, we have to be confident in all levels of our life in both good and bad times, we should try to understand and read the situations of our life so that we can work on our life while making the required changes. And at last i want to say that never miss any kind of messages, because who knows which message would change your life. Thanks for sharing this story.

Stay Blessed.

Oh oh oh...😭😭😭!

Pathetic, yet insightful. I wished he held on the more. I wished he knew a friend that sticks closer than a brother, JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH, I wished he knew that He would never leave nor forsake him, oh how I wish he knew!!

Suicide is never the best resort...'cos he must give account for taking a soul (his soul).

There is more to life than all we see. All we see is not all there is. FAITH, HOPE & LOVE, these three are important/remedie for a hard life!

THANKS A MILLION ESTEEMED @tojukaka for this thought 💭 provoking message. I'm lifted.

Omg! This drew tears from my eyes. This man has seen hell obviously. Trying to be realistic, I think sometimes life puts us on edge to do things. Maybe we would not understand because we aren't on that edge yet. I would not condemn his act. I'd rather say patience and perseverance be imbibed. It's not easy. I don't know why this sounds so real to me. Let's pray we'd never be in a position to make the hardest of choices. And @tojukaka, thanks for this piece. It's so evocative and has a masterly approach to description and narrative power.

Nice post toju ,sometimes in life like the conditions u fine urself look so anoying that u may even try tp give up.. But to succeed onebneeds to have patient in life

'It is not over until it is over', if only he had endured to the end without giving up, who knows the last envelope would have brought him succour.

On the other hand, it may have been his destiny; who knows (?). Yet again for the believers, it is the work of the devil because one cannot be tempted beyond what he can bear.

Ask for me, the key is patience to the very end, don't give up my friend. The last envelope may just hold the key to your open doors.

Thanks to @tojukaka our original master storyteller.

Oh hell what if he wud have opened the 2nd one first.....this is how destiny makes you move having both things in is what he picked first ....same happens to many lives having both options available to either be happy or be sad.....heart touching story man...
Feeling sad about the guy...great story....but this really happens in true is just your picking...what option you choose to adopt.....

Menh! That was so touching.

I read through hoping that he have a change of mind. How disappointed I was that he eventually followed the dreaded part of taking his own life.

"Hope," they say, "is the last thing that leaves a man"

Never let circumstance of life drain your entire hope for living. Never, ever you give up. Not on yourself

Oh no!
This is so bad, but noting is worth dying for



That's a sad story, excellent but still sad.

I guess the moral is that we might never know all of the opportunities around us if we give up too soon

Thanks for sharing


This is tragic! Wow. Beautifully written, brother.

looks like @tojukaka is now the new shakespeare.
nice writing skills

God.... This is so sad... #saynotosuicide.

Let's always keep hope alive.

This is interesting and deep. Thanks for this piece

Wow!!! This is really great, nice story man. I love every bit of it from the way you put it together, the structuring and the compilation and the way you simplified it gosh!! You are magnificient!!.
And i believe there is nothing in this world that should push a man to giving up not to talk of suicide, I believe we should always have it at the back of our mind as an abomination maybe that will stop us from thinking about it.
Moreover one should alwyas pray for the grace to carry on because it can be frustrating at times.

So captivating
Never give up!!!!