This is a throwback photo of me and my mum
Throwback photo of me and my mum
This is day 6 of my #gratitudeday challenge and today I want to thank God for the most important person in my life. My mother. She is hardworking and loving. The best mother anyone can ask for.
This is another throwback photo of me and my Mum
Throwback photo of me and my Mum and my big sisters
In this photograph, I actually have three mothers. Two of them are my elder sisters. I'm grateful for their presence and influence in my life.
The following persons made entries to my #gratitudeday challenge. You guys are awesome. I noticed that some of you have really little upvotes. I wish I had more upvotes to support you.
Please if I didn't upvote your post or I failed to add your name to this list, do leave a comment below and I'll rectify it.
Thank you very much.
What is Gratitudeday?
Gratitudeday is all about being thankful for the things that are happening in your life. A lot of us go through life taking things for granted. The goal is to challenge you to make a blog post about something you are grateful for. It could be big or small. It doesn't matter. Little things matter. I'll be doing this for 62 days (62 is not a random number). You can check the details of this challenge on the #gratitudeday introductory post here
How to Participate in #GratitudeDay Challenge
Write a post about anything you are grateful for.Upvote my #gratitudeday post Resteem my #gratitudeday post(not compulsory)
Use the tag #gratitudeday6, #gratitudeday7, and #gratitudeday8 as the case may be. Today is day 6 so you can go ahead and do #gratitudeday6
This is what I will do in return.**
I'll upvote your post.
I MAY resteem your post.
I'll note your name in my spreadsheet, that you qualify for the grand prize of62SBD. The grand prize is now unknown.
Please endeavor to use the following tags such as #gratitudeday6, #gratitudeday7 and so forth.
Thank you very much.
Happy mothers' day to mum and thanks a million for the mention bro!
Been on the gratitude day challenge from day one, missed just one day though!!
Thanks for this initiative bro...cheers!!!
Thank you for including my handle.... Im really grateful☺
God bless our mothers.
there is this space that cannot be taken from our mothers. all i pray is they will live long enough to enjoy the fruits of their labour and see us succeed beyond imagination in their life time. great one @tojukaka. will make my day 6 post shortly before the day run on me again.
I love this one Sir, what sweet family you have here.
Man, looks so young! She's so fine
God bless your Mum
😢 😢 😢
He did not mention me today again.
I have never missed a day because I'm always grateful. 😍
Your mum is looking so young and lovely.
We have so much to be grateful. Your mum is beautiful@tojukaka
Thank you @tojukaka for adding my name. Sweet mama looking good.
I can't see myself even with magnifying lens boss. Lol
Beautiful people with a lovely smile.
is this your mother? Really? She looks like the same age of you
Hello @tojukaka, am not there again and no upvote...
Beautiful woman.
Day 6