I think that the earning reward system should be revamped. Instead of giving more voting power to people with a lot of money, that voting power should be associated to other factors instead, like reputation and number of different voters, for ex.
That way, those scammers who keep upvoting their own comments all day long would stop ripping off the platform.
Guys with negative reputation should be prevented from having voting power and from receiving rewards, at all.
I don't agree with the last part. Suppose that mister Sanders reads this and decides to start a flagging war against you, you will be powerless. He can downvote your rep down the drain! But still you would be the same person as before the war started only a lot of others, who don't knew you before will have a complete different opinion about you!
That's exactly my point, guys who are destructive shouldn't have that much power. They are quickly destroying this platform.
No user should be able to reward himself using bots nor should be able to destroy innocent people accounts just because he's rich.
Fully agree on that one.
The problem is that we never know who will be destructive and who won’t.
But it is a 2 side cutting knife, cause a party would break loose if we would get a 100% upvote from a whale. The bottle of champagne is already chilled but in my case I will probably have to use it for another celebration 😂