It was the same thing with the Kurds some wanted it but according to Abdullah Ocalan it is not a good idea because problem will repeat itself but turned the other way. As people keep themselves separate only hatred will grow or division grows stronger. The NBPP were what you call extreme nationalism basically separatists which makes them a fascist group and the BPP do not acknowledge them for it and rejects them. Even though BPP are black nationalists, they are not separatists and would care for any person that lives within the neighborhood. The extreme nationalism or separatism aka fascism is not a good direction on the long run because they will run into many unreasonable problems.
Democratic Confederalism is what the Kurds use in Rojava and it is the path that is preserving their people the most. Rojava is multi-cultural, multi-religion, and multi-nationalities.
It's a bunch to ponder.