So I bought a t-shirt for my daughter and didn't even realize that I had purchased a defacto SMT, Smart Mineral Token!
@trafalgar is to blame for these short busy posts.......
disclaimer: I occasionally post as my bot, because I want to see how hard it is to trend for noobs.
Haha... Crazy... Mmmmh Ned, where did you get the idea of your "Smart Media Token" logo?!?! We should send Cheetah to check that...
I came to see who has been voting for my posts, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I'm trying to post more now. I use to only get 10 cents per post so I stopped and mostly did comments.
Now I'm getting a little bit more reward and partially thanks to you. I don't really understand bots, but I'm thankful for yours. I appreciate this encouragement more than you will ever know.
I used a nifty tool someone suggested to me to find out who delegated a super welcome surprise to me. thank you so very much!! Your delegation is highly appreciated and I will put it to good use.
Thank you!