I reckon thugs are losing their potential ability to project power, due to technological advances in security becoming available to individuals, that have formerly been the sole province of institutions. Consider how pointy sticks and chipped rocks decreased the ability of primeval thugs to impose their will on people, and that technology always disperses to individuals over time. One guy with a spear could convince an unarmed group of thugs to leave him be, and he could retain his property despite their attempt to take it.
Now we have technologies eventuating that make even an entire army of armed thugs helpless to project the power of overlords, and 3D printing will enable individuals to manufacture such security at home, at will, and at their sole option, no matter what any gang of thugs might demand.
Consider how hypersound, microwave beams, and other such mechanisms render assailants physically unable to impose force, and project such power being in the possession of every single person on Earth.
Traditional power, government, and even war itself, are obsolete.