I discovered fear was my good friend. After that, I wasn't troubled by it. I listen to it with fondness, and then decide what to do based on reason and judgment, and not fear alone. Fear is a good friend because it always wants to warn me of danger, and it's good to know of danger.
It's not always good to flee from danger, or fight it's source though, and that's where reason comes in.
I had to laugh at the comparison between the impending doom of the ice age, and global overheating. It's too true that the enemedia can't just report some facts or data, but has to somehow craft an existential threat out of whatever story it can weave from data - whether that data is trustworthy or not. This makes the enemedia entirely untrustworthy, and I consider their stories in that light.
The thing about using reason to moderate fear is not to denigrate fear, or ignore it, but to differentiate between things we can do something about, and things we can't. Climate change needs to be considered in the latter camp. We also can then choose, if something can be done, whether doing what can be done is a good idea. Many times it's not. Then we get to choose between various actions, when action is advisable, and that gives us control again.
The truth is we are in control of ourselves. That is all we can really ask for, after all.
Self control is nothing to be afraid of.