Dangdut Dancing Ball Game [ENG] - Pertandingan Bola Joget Dangdut [INA]

in #busy7 years ago (edited)



Hai sahabat steemian good, disini saya ingin berbagi cerita unik saya yaitu lomba Bola dangdut. Nah, pada waktu itu diadakan perlombaan antar kampung yang diadakan setiap setahun sekali. Asli, perlombaannya parah jiwa.

Pada waktu itu, semua yang mengikuti perlombaan Bola Dangdut itu di ikuti oleh semua pemuda kampung yang ada di Kampung Uteun Geulinggang. Tapi, pada saat perlombaan berlangsung, bukan pemuda saja yang mengikuti perlombaan Bola Dangdut ini, melainkan bapak bapak dan kakek kakek juga banyak yang mengikuti perlombaan ini.

Yang menjadi hal uniknya dalam perlombaan ini, semua yang mengikuti di wajibkan menggunakan Kain Sarung dan dikala musik dangdut di nyalakan, para peserta wajib untuk joget seheboh mungkin. Karena di akhir acara nanti, akan diumumkan siapa yang akan mendapatkan hadiah khususnya orang yang paling heboh goyangannya.

Aku juga ada mengikuti perlombaan antar kampung ini, kalian bisa lihat orang yang menggunakan kain sarung warna biru dongker, lima dari sebelah kanan, itu adalah aku.


Hi friend steemian good, here I want to share my unique story that is dangdut Ball contest. Well, at that time held inter-village race held every once a year. Original, the race is bad soul.

At that time, all who followed the Dangdut Ball competition was followed by all the village youths in Kampung Uteun Geulinggang. But, at the time of the race, not only young men who follow this Dangdut Ball race, but father and grandfather grandfather also many who follow this race.

What is unique in this race, all who follow the required use of Cloth Sarong and dikal dangdut music on turn, the participants are required to joget seheboh possible. Because at the end of the event later, will be announced who will get the prize especially the people who most excited swaying.

I'm also following the race between villages, you can see people who use a blue dongker sarong, five from the right, it is me.


Dan ini lah beberapa hasil potret sebelum perlombaan tersebut dimulai


And these are some portraits before the race begins




Dan itulah ceritaku di hari ini.


And this it's my story today.

Best Regards


Woff, woff!

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  • So, here's what might happen afterward. Your Google-Translated post might be mistaken as a spam so that whales could downvote your post. Yikes! I hope that wouldn't happen to you.
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I sincerely hope that you enjoy Steemit without getting downvotes. Because Steemit is a wonderful place. See? Korean Steemians are kind enough to raise a guide dog(that's me) to help you!

Woff, woff! 🐶

i'm sorry, i don't now


have a good day