in #busy7 years ago


Today I have six tricks for you to use an adobe illustrator for your graphic design workflow what is that people welcome back to you Satori graphics the home of graphic design content right here on YouTube I’ve got many videos on this channel relating to tips and tricks for Adobe Illustrator but always keep things fresh for you guys and so today I have six more tricks or tips for you to use in your graphic design workflow when using a new video straighter the first illustrator trick for your graphic design workflow allows you to paste an object in the same position across multiple artboards so if you take the artboard tool here and then hold down alt option key you can duplicate the eye board many many times so let’s say I’m gonna create a heading with the type tool I can then copy with command or ctrl C but if I then press command or control + Alt + shift + + V they will be copied across many different artboards in the same position this is a great tip for when you’re designing multiple page documents such as brochures or magazines when you have many objects on your artboard you can hide a specific selection of them with this illustrator trick press command or control 3 when you have a selection of objects to hide them and then you can press command or ctrl Alt + n 3 to allow you objects to be shown again this helps you organize and see your work when you have a very busy designer illustrator this next illustrator trick for your graphic design workflow is very useful when you have a selection of objects you can group them together with command or control G and most of us know that already but then if you double click the selection a gray bar will appear you can now move an object independently around or the other ones with the selection tool even though they are grouped together you can then also press a on your keyboard to access direct selection tool and edit the curves and anchor points and once you’re done click the gray bar once illustrator and things will return to normal with the group selection the fourth graphic design workflow tip is really interesting to play with and it’s great for digital illustrations press command will control R to show your rulers and then make a rectangle around the entire artboards using a stroke only in no fill then pull a guide from the rulers on the left side aniline is centrally done the document in Illustrator so go ahead and open up the layers window here where you can locate in the drop down menu create a new layer like so and then access the pencil with P on your keyboard draw a straight line down the middle of your new layer and then increase the stroke way if need be I moved away the guide select the bottom layer in the layer window and then in the appearance window click the effects tab you then go to the store and transform and transform type-in reflect one copy and check the x box here on the right now you can select the brush tool with B on your keyboard and then when you draw on one side you have a reflection the other side this is great for symmetrical illustrations and you can also use shapes and pen tool paths but everything is going to be reflected over the other side I’m sure you can have some fun using this illustrator trick and you can use more than one reflection mirror if you won for this next illustrator trick to help your graphic design workflow make sure you have a stroke and no fear in the color palette press M to select the rectangle tool load before and generate a box around the entire document then go to object path and split into grid you can now have control over how many rows and how many columns you want to use for your graphic design layout you can then go ahead and select every single box and lock it down in place this helps you create design work evenly spread out across the district’s document the last trick in today’s video helps you learn objects to a specific object so select everything then simply click once more on an object you’ll notice a thick blue line appearing around there so now when you go into the line window and press an align function everything will be orientated around that specific object that you selected this has multiple functions across your graphical design workflow such as aligning typography layouts and so forth so what did you think of today’s video on six tip tricks for adobe illustrator let me in the comment section below and also leave a comment letting me know we want to see on this channel if you have any opinions or suggestions I’m always open to ideas from you guys if you did like the video give it a thumbs up and also share on social media they did find it useful remember to subscribe to cetera graphics for weekly graphic design content and until next time design your future today peace



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