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RE: Washington's Measle Outbreak and Vaccinations

in #busy6 years ago

I am glad they are available and my own children were selectively vaccinated with the safest vaccinations that protect against the most common disease.

However, now there are so many that at some point we are going to have to let people pick and choose which ones to use.

I think it is just as fair to tell those with compromised immune systems to stay home as they would be prone to colds and other illnesses as well and those who are vaccinated should have nothing to fear.

All the drama and debate over this is really over done.


I definetly think we should choose before injecting. They are getting safer and testing is thorough. I think some anti-vaxxers are paranoid and scientific evidence is lacking for their claims. It doesn't mean it should be dismissed.
The terrible epidemics of early 20th century and before are very distant memories most were improved with sanitation and not vaccines.
People with compromised immune systems definitely can't expect me to get vaccinated. I feel the same with allergues, too. Don't tell me I can't give my kid a peanutbutter sandwich.

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I don't think our views are that far off.

The ones I am generally against are for STIs or anything with hormones like birth control injections. DTaP-Hib-IPV is a good one. MMR not as important.

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