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RE: Washington's Measle Outbreak and Vaccinations

in #busy6 years ago

I am not opposed to vaccinations and I am certainly not advocating against them. Just trying to keep the debate in perspective. ALL vaccinations according to this site save 1.3 million lives. In 9 billion, that doesn't seem worthy of asking people to be injected against their will.

I am not advocating for or against vaccinations. I am advocating for Freedom.


I'm all for freedom too, but this is kind of a grey area for me because what if my kid that is vaccinated picks up measles from another kid (from my understanding vaccinations aren't 100%) and dies from said disease.

I'm all for freedom to do whatever you want in the confines of your own home, or what doesn't affect other people, but getting others sick does affect their well being. Do whatever drug you want, marry whoever makes you happy, etc, etc, but when you catch a preventable disease that then effects others with irreversible side effects or even death.

I'm just thinking out loud. I guess the people should be free to do whatever they want struggles with the parent in me wanting to protect my kids by any means possible.

So my kid should have to take a health risk to protect your kid? :) No tone implied, but that is what it boils down to.

Logically I agree people should be free to do as they please, but the smiling giggly face sitting across from me also makes me want to say fuck yeah you should have to.

I understand... Wanting to and doing it are different though