The Bible declares vividly that the weapons of our warfare are not physical, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds....2nd Cor 10:4. Indeed this is very true! However,one may miss it because some of the advocated weapons may be too simplistic to the uncircumcised mind , especially of the unbelievers and milk stage Christians!!
One of such simplistic but potent weapon is 'ordinary' PRAISE It is a weapon that make your petitions and prayers to God irresistible! Yes ! Whenever you deploy this weapon of Praise , God will never deny you of your petitions. Unlike your prayers which would make God send Angels to address your issues, God personally answers to your heart and faith based Praise which makes every hindrances to God destroyed personally by God If any doubt this, let such ask Joshua as he invaded the wall of Jericho with the instrument of Praise.
You may also cognise that Peter was imprisoned and the church prayed and God sent an angel..Acts 12- 5-8; 11. Paul, with Silas were as well imprisoned; but they turned their initial prayers to Praise, upon which SUDDENLY God Himself personally stepped in to effect their freedom.. Acts 16 25-26. Is any wondering why?? Don't!! This is why.
God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise and as he has chosen to weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty and strong.. 1 Cor. 1:27.
Whenever a believer realised the potency of Praise he/ she can engage it for supernatural turnaround because God works wonders through Praise. ...Exodus 15:11
This is why when three nations waged war against Jehoshaphat and Judah in 2 Chronicles 20:17-23, God instructed them to ONLY engage the weapon of PRAISE and all their enemies were sumarilly smitten as they engaged in Praise warfare.
You may recall that God warns believers not to avenge their enemies themselves...Romans 12:19; Exodus 14:14;Psalms 126:1-3;2Chronicles 20 : 14-22.This is why. He only request your engaging of the potent weapon of Praise to be avenged of your adversaries! I see God avenging for you , all your adversaries as you engage the weapon of Praise whenever IJMN!!
Please note that we are in the last days and vengeance is not personal , but of the Lord. Psalms 94: 1-2; Isaiah 61: 1-2; Luke 18:7-8 In this end time, the execution of vengeance is the major method of putting an end to the wickedness of the wicked , just as God did to Pharoah of Egypt because he refused freedom for God's own....Exodus 12:12, 31-33 We pray the same vengeance come upon every of your adversaries in Jesus' name!!
Please cognise that it is your covenant right to invoke vengeance upon every source of satanic assault on your life...Isaiah 54:14-17 You are not permitted by the devil, witches and wizards anymore as you engage this weapon of vengeance. Psalms 89:22-24;Luke 21:15
You are created to dominate the world, thus every opposition to your Godly Dominion mandate must be silenced by the most potent weapon of vengeance, being ceaceless Praise to God. This whatever God has decreed concerning you must come to pass in the name of Jesus!!! As God opened the door for Isaac and delivered him from the Philistines Genesis 26, He is opening every door of escape for you Now in Jesus' Name!!!
The day of vengeance is in mine heart , and the season of the redeemed is Now! Issa 63:4 Your season is here!
LET EVERYTHING THAT HAS BREATH PRAISE THE LORD, Praise ye the Lord because you have breath
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You said this:
"Whenever you deploy this weapon of Praise , God will never deny you of your petitions.
It's obviously not true. Christians get sick. They can die young. So can their children. Praising God isn't a magic way to get what you want.
Thanks @barncat for the visit and your comment.
Here is my response.
Petitions {Prayers}are requests made to God concerning His promises and His will to the believers.! Thus if it is God's will that a believer be called home , a petition against death by the believer is against God's will, thus He will not honour such because He does not counter His will concerning a man.
Jesus Christ desired a reversal of God's will about his death, but He realized its impossibility , hence Jesus concluded " let Gods will be done"
This is why it is critical that we endeavor to pray aright, according to God's will, in tongues which we may not understand!
God Bless You sir!