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RE: How to Identify

in #busy7 years ago (edited)

Brown people blow themselves up and run people over because they want political concessions, they have made demands in the name of Islam, they want sharia, they want submission, they want jyzia, they want more Kosovo's and dead local european populations. That makes it terrorism.

When some guy shoots up a bunch of blacks because they are black and according to him citing FBI sources blacks rape 100 white women every day in the US - thats called a mass shooting with racial motivation. Terrorism requires political demands, the terror is used to make the population capitulate to Islam. When muslims (or mossad pretending to be muslims) kill a bunch of Europeans, its terrorism.

Also Id add youre espousing anti-racism and actually anti-white, anti-european rhetoric. This is strange considering you protest about being called a Putinbot. Accusations of working for Putin typically are associated with the left - as in your side. Putin is officially associated with Trump, and racism, nationalism. If you were a Putinbot, according to an anti-racist leftist, you would be racist yourself.
Now to add onto this, Russia Today ACTUALLY IS COMMUNIST and advocates things like CLASS WARFARE and sides with BLM, for gun confiscation, against white police, cries of racism etc etc.

So, I guess Im saying thou doth protest too much mr anti-racist communist Putinbot.


How about 'brown' people's political concessions include get the hell out of their countries? Stop stealing their wealths, lives, future as their wealths, lives and past have been in the past centuries thus far.

When you strip someone from his dignity, loved ones, and has no more future, what do you expect from them?

About the claim of blowing themselves wanting Sharia law, this comment is better stated in a mainstream media outlet, you'll get many approving you, not here. This is BS from Western MSM to justify their invading of other people's land.

As for 'White' guys shooting, I guess you don't believe the people in the area of shooting were 'terrified'? If they were, that makes the culprit a 'Terrorist' terrifying people. That's the definition of a 'Terrorist'.

Nationalism has nothing to do with sticking your nose in other peoples business, Jews run our countries, the same Jews who promote the anti-racist crap you just espoused. You have no right to be in Europe and we have no right to be in your countries. When Al-Qaeda shoots up a hotel and targets in their words "foreigners" - you wont see me crying about it, you will see me saying "I guess they shouldnt have been in Afganistan"

We have a right to exist and you forcing sharia on us is justification for your physical removal.

Terrorism is defined as using terror to achieve political concessions. No demands - no terrorism.

Leave Steemit, you'll get a real headache here. Go to FoxNews, CNN, BBC, and NyTimes, WaPo.. You belong there.
Here's one of my early posts for you before you go to your comfort zone:

"Delete your account" tier argument. Congratulations, you lost.assad-picture.gif

Also that article demanding reparations is no different from the communist blacks of Zimbabwe, the only thing you will get is physically removed from a continent you invaded. Assad is blocking greater Israel. People who support Assad in the west legitimately are racists who hate Israel because Israel is the Jewish state and jews are using people like you to brown Europeans out. Its another form of communism, you mix all the high IQ whites out and the Jewish master caste rules over the mixed race minus intellectuals. Communism executed intellectuals, this way they just mix whites with 70 IQ Africans and jihad monkeys like you. You demand reparations, race war breaks out, Europe falls and Jews take control. Youre a puppet in this plan. Youre not European, youre not pro-Assad, you dont care about Israel. Youre a communist, youre likely paid by Russia, an ACTUAL Putinbot, a communist like on RT, promoting class warfare and crying about fucking reparations. Reparations. Like BLM, BLM demands white peoples homes in America. I guess youre for that too. Reparations are typically paid to those who actually experienced it, no one is alive who experienced slavery, I highly doubt anyone is alive who really experienced British colonialism in India and suffered from it to any extent. Colonies improve situations for the local population, Im no expert on India but I know Rhodesia was better under whites than people like YOU.

I feel sad when seeing confused people have blocked their brains and followed sheer racism and bigotry. You don't need to reply further, your self-evaluation is greatly demonstrated, by yourself.

Thats not an argument, I just laid out the facts and you got annihilated. This is typical SJW emotional manipulation. Youre defending ISIS as if they are the same as every day muslims and Syrians. Youre the fake, this is anti-Assad garbage youre posting. Races are inherently different, its a scientific fact.

Ive changed my mind, only Hasbara kikes argue like this.Hasbara-Shills.png

Youre posting to make Europeans hate Syrians.

Also youve got patrols going around telling Europeans they cant drink or hold hands, islamic rape gangs put 1 million British girls in slavery, 40% of British muslims are in favor of sharia, 40% of French muslims support ISIS etc. Sharia is the goal, islam means submission.

I support Assad in principle, Assad blows up salafist scumbags like those.


You're confusing anti-Islamic UK-sponsored Muslim Brotherhood and the average Muslims who are so far from this. Muslims, counting over 1.6 billion worldwide, do not care whether you walk with hands in your spouse or whoever, or what's your belief, because if you read the Quran, or those who the UK support read it, it explicitly says in a number of places: You believe in what you want, we have a message and it's up to you to listen and follow or leave, but you can't fight the messengers and silence them, then try to impose your way of life on others, that's called hypocrisy. And just for your info: hypocrites are below the wrong doers in hell, as we believe.

Actually youre the one defending the people blowing themselves up while Im in favor of Assad because he kills those people. I made the distinction, youre the hasbara Jew pretending to be a Syrian living in Europe to agitate against Europeans and Syrians.

Youre also upvoting your posts along with another shill account you appear to have created. Its obvious youre trying to manipulate people.