I am confronted with tons of post on my Steemit Feed from those I am following and choosing quality posts I want to read is something not easy to do amidst hundreds and even thousand posts publish every hour. But learning to be patient in finding worthy and valuable posts is really rewarding and fulfilling.
I used to devote at least 4 hours in a day reading posts till such time that it became my major lifestyle on steemit. I don`t just read anything. I firmly believe that reading is a gateway to knowledge and learning so I highly choose what I want to read, opting to be professional over being entertained. Most of the time, I tend to look for educational and inspirational posts.
Furthermore, reading is my life. And today, whether you are getting started to find pleasure in reading or not, I am sharing to you the best published post I read from those I am following in the last 10 hours. Take note that these are not in any order.
“I have found steemit school to be invaluable in helping me learn skills to better promote myself, and it also is a great place for community and finding others who are also building themselves up on steemit.”
“And while some regularly scoff at the idea that maintaining a healthy vitamin D level is a waste of time, and many insist that the supplements do little good, there are still many who are dedicated to taking it and firmly believe that it's contributed to a restoration of health in a variety of ways.”
“I had a stroke of insight out of the blue. No, not out of the blue; I'm pretty sure it was an answer to a handy man husband's desperate prayers. I figured out how to get the oven working.”
“The markets are easy to manipulate in the other hand because there are people that has a lot of cryptos who can just crash the markets for their advantages. So what we can do is to observe and see how the market moves and ride the waves of its ups and downs and remember to not ever sell for a loss but for a gain even if it will take time at some point.”
“No matter what sport this debate comes up in, it's always difficult to compare players that played in different eras or in different situations. For instance, many people think Babe Ruth is the best baseball player of all time, but was he really better than Willie Mays or Mike Trout?”
“Here are some of the morning routines I use that help me to clear the fog because many of us wake up in this fog where often we're not good enough in this fog, often we're not sure what to do, we just blindly start hustling and struggling that day, and then we look around and wonder, "Why did everyone else do this to me? Why is everyone fighting me? Why am I having a hard time? Why I am struggling today?”
“The only environmental adjustment you need in life is to simply make sure you're surrounded by positive people all the time. Stick with your good friends and stop hanging out with assholes. That includes your shitty boss or your mildly annoying friend. Fuck them. Dump the toxic relationships and move on. Hang out with people who can inspire and lift you up no matter what. That's how you fucking grow like a champ, into a champ.”
“So, we need a solution on both sides. On one side, real plagiarism gotta go, more bots, more finely tuned could do the initial cleaning. Curation teams are doing good work on it as well, since they denounce most spammers. But ultimately, I believe its the repeated offense which should be avoided. But I´m worried about the potential of bots for doing censorship or targeted de-monetization.”
“The only thing that never powering down achieves is inspiring others to raise the value of the STEEM altcoin so that the powerful and elites can dump it on you.”
“What then do we do when we don't feel good with the man in the mirror? You do something about it. You don't feel good about how fat you look when you see the mirror? You do something about it. You don't love your job, you do something about it, you don't like the relationships that keep hurting you? You do something about it, you don't like your financial status, you do something about it. As far as I am concerned only a man that cannot think will remain clueless and poor.”
“It wasn’t easy, but for the first months, since I had more spare time, I was commenting, playing poker and talking to people on Discord/Steemit.chat on a daily basis, even up to more than ten hours sometimes, and I can tell you that all my efforts are well worth it.”
“Pessimism gets a bad reputation overall. Certainly, people who are pessimistic all the time are the reason that pessimistic thinking is looked at as a negative modality in life. But pessimism isn't only about negative thinking.“
“You've been dreaming of seeing cities and beaches and mountains… tasting new foods, seeing new cultures… well this will give you a little bit of insight to how you can make that a reality. At least how I do it!”
Feel free to choose what you want to read in any of the posts indicated above. It is your choice anyway!
Please let me know your thoughts under the comment section of this post.
“ When I first came to Steemit, one of my very first follows was @jasonrussell. He has been hosting the #portraitcontest for 29 weeks now, and it was really inspirational to me as a new Steemian. He's put a lot of tireless dedication in, and built a really robust, quality contest that anyone can enter and enjoy; the entries have drawn incredible posts from photographers all over the world!”
Hy, am happy i made your list. Great job and thanks too
Hi @creon! Your post deserves to be promoted for I find it valuable and educational. Keep up!:)
Yeah thanks