Read With Me edition that also makes a difference? Truly, yes! I`m so happy to introduce to you another edition of
Read With Me that is right in front of you!
Instead of reesteeming the posts I like, I decided to make one blog post every ten hours under this edition. This is a great idea to make my steemit profile cleaner and easy for you to find my own posts without using any other apps to filter reestemed posts.
If you like reading and you do not want to lounge around scrolling way down your feeds for hours, you can simply visit my
Read With Me edition to find posts that fit your mood.
I am confronted with tons of post on my Steemit Feed from those I am following and choosing quality posts I want to read is something not easy to do amidst hundreds and even thousand posts publish every hour. But learning to be patient in finding worthy and valuable posts is really rewarding and fulfilling.
I used to devote at least 4 hours in a day reading posts till such time that it became my major lifestyle on steemit. I don`t just read anything. I firmly believe that reading is a gateway to knowledge and learning so I highly choose what I want to read, opting to be professional over being entertained. Most of the time, I tend to look for educational and inspirational posts.
Furthermore, reading is my life. And today, whether you are getting started to find pleasure in reading or not, I am sharing with you the best-published post I read from those I am following in the last 10 hours. Take note that these are not in any order.
“People say pay close attention to things, places or people that take energy away from us, for those are things not in line with us or in our best interest.”
“Say what you want about Brock Pierce. As with many rich, eccentric people, he's a polarizing figure. Maybe EOS has their reasons for distancing themselves from him. Maybe he is just an actor, playing a role.”
“Fear of failure and fear of being judged. Many times people who know they could not do something, will try to convince you that you can not do it either. And many times it is because of lack of confidence in themselves ... and more often than not we let ourselves be influenced by these negative people."
“The fields around me have been coming to life over the last few weeks with the colourful blossoms of the endless orchards: apples, peaches, pears & plums. And wherever there are flowers there are bees.”
“All of it: their religion, divine right to rule; New Age for sale spirituality; control of the money supply **(yes, crypto looks no different); control by usury; control of the state; control by corporate consumerism; control by endless media propaganda; control via corrupt educational academies; control via manipulation by the sports and entertainment complex; control via mass profiling via computer systems and websites; probable control of genetics; control of humanities food supply and energy infrastructures; control via pharmaceuticals; all of it designed to keep you a slave within the demiurge matrix and all of it pretty much brought to you by those who have a very good understanding of the truth but who bullshit ceaselessly to keep the truth hidden.”
“Maybe it is my worldview, but I had a distinct feeling reading the piece that because people are not smart enough to think for themselves, we need to censor what they can see on social media.”
“It is funny that self-flagellants here in my village after doing their rituals of making their backs bleed and then to constantly beat it with a rope and stick implement will take a bath on the nearby river and after that will binge on drinking and get drunk because they believed that they were forgiven and were just filling some more sins with drinking to do the ritual again next year until at some time in their life they will not do that religious nonsense anymore as they would realize that it really is stupid to hurt yourself for a reason to get a forgiveness.”
“Everyone joined in half-heartedly. Except for me. I yelled for all I was worth and as we all moved to our seats I slapped my chest and let out the occasional YEAH.”
“It turns out that writing a book is both harder than I could have imagined, and easier than I could have imagined. It’s hard because it takes an amount of dedication that few people put into anything. It’s easy because when you get down to it, writing a book is just putting your butt in a chair and laying down words.”
Feel free to choose what you want to read in any of the posts noted above. It is your choice anyway!
Please let me know your thoughts under the comment section of this post.
I would like to say you good job..
Naks! That is a nice word from you, my dear. :)
That's really great
Thank you @kissyou for dropping by! :) I am so happy to your visit!