Circa 1993 meant we were looking at another 5 years before any major numbers started to hit the Internet.
I had Windows for Workgroups 3.11 and had to download a windows socket (winsock for short) just to be able to connect to the internet. Also "plug and play" didn't exist either. We had to set up our own drivers for hardware. There was no Google in those days. Yahoo! was a link directory.
Dell was just beginning to become prominent among the thousands of different computer companies. I had this large phone book that I ordered computer parts out of. In those days, many people just bought the parts and assembled them together.
I used to use Eudora email and it had PGP built in! Then Phil Zimmerman sold the rights and it had to be taken out. I resisted this change and kept my windows 95/98/Xp systems as long as I could, then finally Windows made it impossible for Eudora 3.0 to run with PGP.
Now everything is done for you and you have to worry if hardware keyloggers have been installed by the NSA. Convenience always comes at an expense.