<It is time come to exam, after one month, so I think it is the right time of this article, so its I share with you all>
Does not decide the 'result' of the exam;
Just it as during this exam not only affects the daily routine of students, but their mental stress also increases. Then in the race to meet the parents' expectations and gain maximum points, students often have to face difficulties at the time of the examination. Then many times students get black out. This not only affects their exams, but also affects their personal life. During this exam, the psychiatrists are the main part of the conversation about the balance between recovery and performance.
How to Avoid the Unnecessary Pressure of Student Education?
So what should be the positive pressure of studies? Should this pressure be done better on its own, and not by trying to frustrate oneself by comparing yourself with others? In this greater pressure, students may have both physical and mental problems, whose side effects can be examined. These students should keep in mind that this is only an academic examination, and this life's success-failure does not depend on it or the test will determine your entire life.
The problem of insomnia is common during this test, how can it be avoided?
But this sleep is very important. Regardless of the time of the exam or the normal day, it is very necessary to take regular sleeping. Because these imbalance has in sleep affects the biological system of the body. Students should then take 6-8 hours of sleep during the exam. When we read something, it sits in a corner of the brain, but it is extremely important to rest the mind. Then the mind becomes calm during sleep and the things read are safe. Apart from sleeping, he feels more fresh and active.
What is the solution to avoid covering more syllabuses in less time?
This often happens when students do the opposite. It also did not complete their preparations even in the last time. The morning is appropriate for the study. It is very important for the exam that you already prepare it. If the examination has begun and your preparation is still in terms of syllabus, then now do not read anything new. Pay attention to whatever are important and complex things, do not engage in the same topic.
Some children are more sensitive, what things should they pay attention to?
Those students who have stress, depression or any kind of mental complaint, then they and their parents need to be more vigilant. If their medicines are in progress then they should continue taking medicines regularly. Therefore, then the parents should be lovingly treated with such children. Because these impact of small things is more on such children. Then parents should encourage improving their children. They should not burden their expectations unnecessarily.
Papers do not go according to mind, students get stressed...
In this way, the responsibility of parents increases. They should encourage children in such a way. Students also feel that if the paper is not in conformity, then it should avoid talking too much about it and looking at the correct answers to the questions. This increases the panic of unnecessarily and further examinations are affected. Therefore, children should realize that from the very first day they should do better according to their ability. Because then capacity, interest and preparation of each child is different. If a paper gets spoiled and the students regret it, the rest of the paper can also be spoiled.
What should be the routine of exams?
You do not have to make many changes in this. Eat at the same time as you eat in other days. Then take more protein items and do not take empty stomach exams, because it can cause acidity vomiting. If you are fond of music then listen to music in the middle while preparing at home. So do not make too many changes during sleep time. Then, during the preparation, try studying in small brakes and 45 minutes if possible and take 15 minutes break.
Are there cases of students taking council counseling before the examination?
Yes of course. I want to make an obvious point here that the expectations of the parents are increasing with the children. Due to this, complaints like low concentration, forgetfulness, problems like nervousness have become commonplace. Therefore, then parents do not put too much pressure on the children. Children who are trying to fulfill them are very troubled a few days before the examination.
So do parents also need counseling?
Load loads of expectations on them as much as they can. In our country the board exam is made of the whole family, not of the students. Now the time has come for parents to counsel themselves. Therefore, parents should understand that children are theirs.
What can be the immediate remedy to avoid pressure at the time of the exam?
If students are suddenly black out in the examination hall or if they start feeling scared when looking at the paper, then support Deep Deepening Therapy. Take long symbiosis and leave it under. Try to feeling better than doing this for a minute. Also, keep cold water and drink water in small amounts in between.
<It is time come to exam, after one month, so I think it is the right time of this article, so its I share with you all>
Does not decide the 'result' of the exam;

Just it as during this exam not only affects the daily routine of students, but their mental stress also increases. Then in the race to meet the parents' expectations and gain maximum points, students often have to face difficulties at the time of the examination. Then many times students get black out. This not only affects their exams, but also affects their personal life. During this exam, the psychiatrists are the main part of the conversation about the balance between recovery and performance.
How to Avoid the Unnecessary Pressure of Student Education?

So what should be the positive pressure of studies? Should this pressure be done better on its own, and not by trying to frustrate oneself by comparing yourself with others? In this greater pressure, students may have both physical and mental problems, whose side effects can be examined. These students should keep in mind that this is only an academic examination, and this life's success-failure does not depend on it or the test will determine your entire life.
The problem of insomnia is common during this test, how can it be avoided?
But this sleep is very important. Regardless of the time of the exam or the normal day, it is very necessary to take regular sleeping. Because these imbalance has in sleep affects the biological system of the body. Students should then take 6-8 hours of sleep during the exam. When we read something, it sits in a corner of the brain, but it is extremely important to rest the mind. Then the mind becomes calm during sleep and the things read are safe. Apart from sleeping, he feels more fresh and active.
What is the solution to avoid covering more syllabuses in less time?

This often happens when students do the opposite. It also did not complete their preparations even in the last time. The morning is appropriate for the study. It is very important for the exam that you already prepare it. If the examination has begun and your preparation is still in terms of syllabus, then now do not read anything new. Pay attention to whatever are important and complex things, do not engage in the same topic.
Some children are more sensitive, what things should they pay attention to?
Those students who have stress, depression or any kind of mental complaint, then they and their parents need to be more vigilant. If their medicines are in progress then they should continue taking medicines regularly. Therefore, then the parents should be lovingly treated with such children. Because these impact of small things is more on such children. Then parents should encourage improving their children. They should not burden their expectations unnecessarily.
Papers do not go according to mind, students get stressed...

In this way, the responsibility of parents increases. They should encourage children in such a way. Students also feel that if the paper is not in conformity, then it should avoid talking too much about it and looking at the correct answers to the questions. This increases the panic of unnecessarily and further examinations are affected. Therefore, children should realize that from the very first day they should do better according to their ability. Because then capacity, interest and preparation of each child is different. If a paper gets spoiled and the students regret it, the rest of the paper can also be spoiled.
What should be the routine of exams?

You do not have to make many changes in this. Eat at the same time as you eat in other days. Then take more protein items and do not take empty stomach exams, because it can cause acidity vomiting. If you are fond of music then listen to music in the middle while preparing at home. So do not make too many changes during sleep time. Then, during the preparation, try studying in small brakes and 45 minutes if possible and take 15 minutes break.
Are there cases of students taking council counseling before the examination?
Yes of course. I want to make an obvious point here that the expectations of the parents are increasing with the children. Due to this, complaints like low concentration, forgetfulness, problems like nervousness have become commonplace. Therefore, then parents do not put too much pressure on the children. Children who are trying to fulfill them are very troubled a few days before the examination.
So do parents also need counseling?

Load loads of expectations on them as much as they can. In our country the board exam is made of the whole family, not of the students. Now the time has come for parents to counsel themselves. Therefore, parents should understand that children are theirs.
What can be the immediate remedy to avoid pressure at the time of the exam?
If students are suddenly black out in the examination hall or if they start feeling scared when looking at the paper, then support Deep Deepening Therapy. Take long symbiosis and leave it under. Try to feeling better than doing this for a minute. Also, keep cold water and drink water in small amounts in between.