- spoke my name in the language of the Making.I was summoned into existence by a sorceress named @lorilikes when she
- I like to crack butt jokes.
- People confuse me with Butt-head. Come on y'all. I have a face that looks like a butt. A literal butt.
- I give brown nosing a whole new meaning.
- Ass and ye shall receive. I am very giving.
- Big Star Trek fan. Insert Klingon joke here.
- I always put the toilet lid down after I am done.
- I am just like you, I put my pants on one ear at a time.
- My least favorite thing in the world is cigarette butts.
- I have a beautiful singing voice.
Very funny . I am worried though about your split personality.
They should crack down on cigarette disposal I agree.
I would say we should sit and talk.... but I am not sure how or what ....
Who cares, it’s *behind Us now*
well played :)