fucking nice! the inflation rate is perfect I was thinking about how powerdown rates are also strategically set, its all like a clock, it is better than federal reserve , its better than Keynesianism where they print as much as they want and just keep it a secret, you cant trust people, humans are greedy and they steal!
But with steemit man,...steemit is the GATEWAY drug to Crypto! Bitcoin is too expensive and so many people assume u need to buy a whole bitcoin to get in XD but honestly even if you tell someone they dont have to buy a whole bitcoin to buy some bitcoin it still easier to signup for steemit for free and just EARn some cryptoi by posting and commenting! haha people need to get on steemit to get some crypto, theyll get addicted that way and will want to buy some steempower to catch up with people who have been on steemit longer than them!
WOOO i am just so exhilarated by steemit and bitcoin and crypto maaaan i get all crazy because this stuff is exciting! so much stuff happening right now with crypto, and if you have a fucking pulse, you can get online and you can get yourself some crypto! its open for EVERYONE! steemit allows even the poorest people in the poorest nations to still get a smartphone and get online and start making money on steemit!
Steemit levels the playing field and allows ANYONE with motivation and good work ethic to succeed!
(And I bought a few more Golos on bittrex, i think Golos will be big for the East and Russia has a great programming community and has a lot to prove! They will make Golos super nice and whatever they make Steemit will get to use because its based on the same code so we can help each other! And we will look back at this time and wish we would have invested more in golos and steem! We will be traveling around the world doing conferences at hotels and man its going to be an adventure! Its gonna be so fun traveling around the world, just managing large amounts of money, throwing big parties, its going to be very exciting!